European Conference on Data Analysis



ECDA is an international conference dedicated to analytical aspects of data science. It connects statistics, computer science, and practical application domains related to all aspects of data analysis. 

The ECDA is organized under the auspices of the GfKl (Gesellschaft für Klassifikation).

It will be organzied in cooperation with the:

  • European Association for Data Science (EuADS),
  • Dutch/Flemish classification society (VOC),
  • Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society (CLADAG),
  • Classification and Data Analysis Section of the Polish Statistical Association (SKAD) and the
  • British Data Science Society (BDSS)


The next European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA2026) will take place from September 9th to 11th, 2026 at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, Germany. 

We look forward to welcoming you to in Stralsund in 2026!

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