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- Leisure and Tourism Management
- Studienaufbau bis WS 21/22
Leisure and Tourism Management
Studienaufbau für Studierende bis zum WS21/22
Working Techniques
This module develops academic skills and competencies to understand and evaluate consistent and high quality research, i.e. theoretically grounded as well as practically applied – and the critical use of online, and offline resources. Further, developing academic writing skills and presentation skills of scientific results and information in various written, situational and multimedia-based forms.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 6 ECTS points
This module equips you with an essential understanding for the workings of market economies, for the interaction of the central players of individual markets, supply & demand (Microeconomics), as well as for economic interactions within economies and on a global scale (Macroeconomics).On the basis of textbooks for undergraduate students, and supported by additional material on current issues (newspaper articles, TV news programmes) you will acquire or deepen essential knowledge about the interplay of economic actors on national and international levels and on policies directed at guiding and supporting markets.
You will be required to apply the theoretical knowledge gained to current issues of national and international economic decisions, present your results in class and defend your position.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Mathematics / Statistics
Developed skills in mathematical thinking help to systematically solve problems also out of the domain of mathematics. In working life, these skills are important to make management decisions with respect to their future consequences.
The lecture covers basic mathematical techniques with a focus on business applications such as linear equations, financial mathematics and basics of data analysis such as descriptive measures and data visualization and dependency between variables as well as an introduction to matrices.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Leisure and Tourism Markets
What is tourism? Everyone knows something about this phenomenon and most people engage in it in some way. But what tourism officially encompasses and how it forms a global industry is less acknowledged. This module provides an introduction to and an overview of the multi-faceted, diverse and partly disperse industry and the phenomenon of tourism. You discover its history, which scientific disciplines contribute to researching it and the separate markets and business types constituting it. Mainstream and niche markets, traditional and trendy aspects of both leisure and tourism are explored in an interactive and interdisciplinary journey.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 6 ECTS points
Business English I
Graduates of Business Programs increasingly require excellent English language skills when entering the international workforce. This two-course Business English module aims to strengthen your communication, social and intercultural skills in the language-specific areas of reading, listening, writing and speaking. In the interactive courses you will also learn how to use English for specific purposes vocabulary in a business and tourism context as well as how to apply grammar as an effective communication tool in both speaking and writing.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language A1
In diesem Modul erwerben Sie erste Grundkenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Basierend auf der Vermittlung von relevantem Wortschatz und elementarer Grammatik legen Sie systematisch erste wichtige Grundsteine für Ihre Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben. Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken werden Sie befähigt, einfache Alltagsausdrücke und einfache Sätze zu verstehen und zu verwenden, die auf die Befriedigung konkreter Bedürfnisse zielen. Sie werden sich und andere vorstellen und anderen Menschen Fragen zu ihrer Person und zu ihren Lebensumständen stellen können und auf Fragen dieser Art Antwort geben können. Damit legen Sie Grundlagen für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
French I/ Spanish I/ Swedish I
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Tourism Operations and Leisure Trends
This module provides an understanding of the big picture. It introduces major political, economic and social trends such as neoliberalism, McDonaldization or the low-cost and discount hype. You develop an understanding of these overarching phenomena per se, their interconnectedness and their major consequences for society at large. Then you discover their specific meaning for the fields of leisure, travel and tourism. You assume the perspective of businesses in the tourism industry, and you put yourself also in the shoes of customers and employees to understand how every stakeholder of tourism is affected differently by the same trends.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Project Management
What do the latest Volvo model, IKEAs range of kötbullar and the annual Baltic Sea Forum in Stralsund have in common? The answer is simple: They are all created using basic principles of project management. Increasingly companies and organizations worldwide use the project management approach to create new products, develop new service concepts, organize events or create new infrastructures like airports or opera houses. Such projects are typically performed under pressure of time, using tight budgets and with great expectations. In this module you will learn on how to set-up, manage and deliver a successful project using a set of standard project management tools. And of course you will have a chance to apply your knowledge in a real project environment.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Business Law/ Travel Law
In diesem Modul erwerben Sie Kenntnisse zum deutschen Rechtssystem, lernen Basisbegriffe und Unterschiede der Vertragstypen kennen sowie Gewährleistungsrechte zu unterscheiden.
Das erworbene Wissen soll auf Konfliktfälle angewendet werden, indem Rechtsgutachten zu einfachen Konfliktfällen erstellt werden.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 4 ECTS points
Social Sciences in Tourism
Accepting tourism in its interdisciplinary character means understanding related social sciences as well. Studying tourism and its impacts means also reflecting upon the societies creating as well as receiving tourism. Therefore, this module focuses on raising awareness of the connection between individual, society and spatial environment and identifies perspectives beyond each of these singular fields. This course will help to understand psychological, sociological and geographical theories, models and concepts and its influence on thinking, behaviourand decisions in the tourism context. Participants will achieve knowledge and holistic understanding of society in general and individual behavior and its impact on the spatial context. The gained psychological, sociological and geographical knowledge and skills can be critically applied to the study of leisure and tourism.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 6 ECTS Points
Internship and Job Training
The aim of this course is to prepare an appropriate application in order to get internships and jobs. Furthermore, students gain knowledge in order to do an interview successfully and to plan, organize and pass an assessment centre. Beside this, the module aims to raise awareness of body language signals and internship-specific challenges.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Business English II
Graduates of Business Programs increasingly require excellent English language skills when entering the international workforce. This two-course Business English module aims to strengthen your communication, social and intercultural skills in the language-specific areas of reading, listening, writing and speaking. In the interactive courses you will also learn how to use English for specific purposes vocabulary in a business and tourism context as well as how to apply grammar as an effective communication tool in both speaking and writing.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language A2
In diesem Modul erweitern Sie Ihre Grundkenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Basierend auf der Vermittlung von relevantem Wortschatz und Grammatik trainieren und erweitern Sie systematisch Ihre Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken festigen und erweitern Sie alltagsorientierte kommunikative Kompetenz. Sie werden befähigt, Sätze und häufig gebrauchte Ausdrücke zu verstehen, die mit Bereichen von ganz unmittelbarer Bedeutung zusammenhängen, bspw. Person, Familie, Einkaufen, Studium, nähere Umgebung. Sie werden sich in einfachen routinemäßigen Situationen verständigen können, in denen es um vertraute und geläufige Dinge geht. Sie werden mit einfachen Mitteln die eigene Herkunft und Ausbildung, die direkte Umgebung und Dinge im Zusammenhang mit unmittelbaren Bedürfnissen beschreiben können.
Damit legen Sie Grundlagen für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
French II/ Spanish II/ Swedish II
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Introduction to Management
The module provides an introduction of various concepts, models, constructs and terminologies used in business and management. Learning and understanding focus on antecedents and current developments in management theory and academia. Particular management concepts in marketing, finance, operations and human resources will be considered, analysed and assessed to delineate the utility & profitability for business and management.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 8 ECTS points
Business Law/ Travel Law
In diesem Modul erwerben Sie Kenntnisse zum deutschen Rechtssystem, lernen Basisbegriffe und Unterschiede der Vertragstypen kennen sowie Gewährleistungsrechte zu unterscheiden.
Das erworbene Wissen soll auf Konfliktfälle angewendet werden, indem Rechtsgutachten zu einfachen Konfliktfällen erstellt werden.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
Corporate Taxation
In dem Kurs lernen Sie an einfachen Praxisfällen die Grundlagen der Einkommen-, Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer als wichtige Ertragsteuern zu verstehen sowie auch deren Zusammenhänge. Sie erkennen, was die Steuern so vielschichtig macht, welche Rückwirkungen untereinander und welche Schnittstellen der Unternehmensbesteuerung zu weiteren Bereichen Ihres Studiums existieren, beispielsweise zu Bilanzierungsfragen oder zu Rechtsproblemen in Europa und international.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS Points
Marketing I
The course covers communication to and from markets in light of different perspectives on marketing communication and branding in particular. Through these different perspectives, the student is introduced to concepts, theories and models commonly used in marketing (e.g. the marketing communication mix). In this course, consumer behavior will receive special attention. The objective of this course is to impart students with a stock of marketing-related knowledge as well as academic competences, which will enable them to solve marketing-related problems in a systematic and expedient way.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Media Economics
In the Information Age, media is everywhere. This course will help to make sense of it all, providing insight into the structure of media firms, the nature of their products and how they make money. It also introduces some of the main economic issues affecting the media and addresses some of the most relevant industrial questions surrounding media corporations and markets.
In detail the lectures examine:
the distinctive economic features of media
the relationship between these features
the strategies deployed by media corporations
a range of key forces and issues affecting the economics of the main sub-sectors of mass media
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language B1
In diesem Modul erweitern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten´Fremdsprache. Aufbauend auf den Modulen 2nd Foreign Language A1“ und „2nd Foreign Language A2“ und den dort erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben konsolidieren Sie Ihre kommunikative Kompetenz und erweitern systematisch Ihren Wortschatz. Auf diese Weise werden Sie befähigt, sich einfach und zusammenhängend über vertraute Themen und und persönliche Interessengebiete zu äußern. Sie werden befähigt, über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse zu berichten sowie Ziele, Absichten und Pläne zu beschreiben und zu begründen.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken sowie mit Originalmaterialien erwerben Sie Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
French III/ Spanish III/ Swedish III
Contact hours and ECTS Points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
Maritime Tourism
In diesem Kurs werden Sie befähigt, komplexe Vorgänge rund um den boomenden maritimen Tourismus zu verstehen, umdie Chancen, welcher der maritime Tourismus bietet, zu erkennen und zu reflektieren und sich kritisch mit Nutzungskonflikten im maritimen Tourismus auseinanderzusetzen. Auch Probleme und Risiken des maritimen Tourismus werden analysiert und bewertet. Durch den sehr praxisnahen Kurscharakter werden Sie mit vielen Stakeholdern des maritimen Tourismus bekannt gemacht.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Special Aspects of Management
The module incorporates realms i.e. intercultural management and leadership to relate cultural idiosyncrasies – in particular – collective or individual societies to different leadership styles used. This may facilitate the consideration and understanding of different cultures and consequently the adaptation of different leadership theories within a global corporate context. The usefulness of either managerial realms will be emphasized in relation to corporate efficiency and corporate efficacy.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 6 ECTS points
Analytical Statistics
„I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. … The ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.” (Hal Varian, Chief Economist Google, In: The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009) The lecture on statistics covers the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical inference, i.e. how data can be transferred into knowledge. Further, visualization techniques are presented that can be used for management presentations.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Cost Accounting
To understand and use accounting information is an important ingredient of any business undertaking and vital to make sophisticated decisions. The module “Cost Accounting“ delivers the basic approaches for understanding financial and managerial accounting figures und the corresponding processes. The gained theoretical knowledge is being applied in tasks close to reality and case studies. Students learn how decisions influence profitability and liquidity and as a result the success of businesses.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Marketing II
Students examine the important issues facing service providers and the successful implementation of a customer focus in service-based industries. Topics include an overview of services marketing; understanding the customer in services marketing; assessing service quality levels and aligning the delivery of services; the people who deliver and perform services; managing demand and capacity; and promotion and pricing strategies in services marketing. On completion of the course, students will be able to integrate course concepts into individual performance to become better customer service representatives in the service environment.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Tourism Management
Addressing various issues in managing tourism is the aim of this module. Beside manging the tourism system and understanding the relevance of destination management, it also provides an inside to tour and cruise operations as well as in the management of attractions and large scale leisure facilities. Case studies including the “Autostadt” in Wolfsburg or the “Centro2 in Oberhausen help students to understand the significance of such facilities.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 6 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language B1
In diesem Modul erweitern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Aufbauend auf den Modulen „2nd Foreign Language A1“ und „2nd Foreign Language A2“ und den dort erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben konsolidieren Sie Ihre kommunikative Kompetenz und erweitern systematisch Ihren Wortschatz. Auf diese Weise werden Sie befähigt, sich einfach und zusammenhängend über vertraute Themen und und persönliche Interessengebiete zu äußern. Sie werden befähigt, über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse zu berichten sowie Ziele, Absichten und Pläne zu beschreiben und zu begründen.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken sowie mit Originalmaterialien erwerben Sie Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
French III/ Spanish III/ Swedish III
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
Business Simulation
Business simulation is a TOPSIM Marketing game. The games will take place in blocks and focuses on the decition making in marketing. Further more there will be a strong focus on the contribution margin calculation as a tools to evaltuate marketing investments. Tools like key performance indices will be introduced. Another focus will be to handle the very complex marketing situations by considering not only ones own behavior, but the total market influences.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Corporate Finance
“Corporate Finance” is the area of finance dealing with monetary decisions business enterprises make and the tools and analyses used to make these decisions. The module delivers the basic approaches for the understanding of figures, numerical data and the calculation basis to determine the efficiency of investments and tools of financing. The theoretical knowledge is being applied in tasks close to reality, case studies and every day information in the financial news. Students learn how decisions influence profitability and liquidity and as a result the success of business decisions.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Marketing III
Students get familiar with the basic instruments used in marketing research. They learn to understand methods and their functionability on different research subjects. You will learn the ability to identify, evaluate and select target markets and their demand situation. By working in groups you will evaluate several test designs which can apply for specific case studies and decide for the ideal method. Results are discussed in individual project groups with your lecturer by focusing on specific subjects. This module shall give the student the ability to use and develop their independent working skills as well as the critical evaluation of market situations.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Leisure Management
Let’s speak about leisure activities such as sports and culture but from an academic perspective. Students will improve their abilities to identify the role of sports & recreation as well as art & culture for the economy but will observe the impact of both industries on tourism in particular. They focus on the consequences of changes in society and how these impact both fields of leisure management. Students learn how sports and culture effects tourism planning but will also critically analyze and interpret developments, e.g. sports or culture tourism and the role of marketing for leisure activities. Appropriate management strategies will be applied.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Creative Project
The goal of this course is to explain the key ways that creativity and innovation can be used to increase effectiveness and transform participants into future project heroes instead of merely project managers.
WARNING: This lecture does not deal with ‘hard’ content. It will not be mentioning equations, formulas, or process diagrams. This subject involves the softer concepts, such as attitude, enthusiasm, and ideation. It will provide some concrete examples and suggestions to help plant the seed, so that particpants can begin to incorporate these strategies into their future day to day studential or even management role.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Sustainability and CSR
The module emphasizes a holistic understanding of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It additionally provokes critical thinking by working on critical analyses and understanding of both theoretical issues and practical implications relating to the three significant dimensions of sustainability i.e. environmental, economic and socio-cultural sustainability in tourism. A paradigm shift may delineate prosperous future development potential for national and international corporations.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
This course on branding is an inspirational and creative event to help participants plan, build and implement a compelling brand from brief to creation and implementation. We'll consider the importance of determining the personality and character of the brand and how it influences the customer experience through employees and external audiences.
This course involves not only learning about what branding is, but also how to develop strategic branding plans and equity. It covers a wide range of business topics, such as strategic marketing, ethical issues and relationship marketing.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Transport in Leisure and Tourism
Transport plays a vital role in the tourism system, besides providing accessibility to as well as inside destinations, transport often becomes a tourism product on its own. Therefore this module provides a basic understanding of transport studies in order to lay the foundation of studying transport as an integral part of tourism industries. Addressing issues such as innovative business models in tourism transportation or the further integration of transport providers in the tourism industry the module opens up an additional dimension in tourism studies.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Advanced Leisure Management
Why do certain business models flourish while others seem to have disappeared? How much more valuable is a business class passenger compared to a bargain hunter in the airline industry? Those are some of the questions addressed in this module. On the one hand, it illuminates the big picture of political, economic and social trends and how businesses respond within the leisure/travel/tourism segments. On the other hand, this module familiarizes you with advanced operations management tools and strategy options such as yield management, strategic alliances or internationalization. Thus, this module strengthens your strategic thinking abilities.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Reserach Project
Applying research methodology in a real case is the core of this module. Along with the theoretic research methodology course comes a real research case where student teams will apply their research know how over the stretch of 2-semesters. The course includes the creation of a research questions, the development of a specific empirical tool, the implementation of empirical research and the composition of final research report.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 9 ECTS points
Events and Projects
This course focuses on the steps and techniques that have to be taken for the successful organisation of an event. The event management discipline offers knowledge on how to build a concept, plan and identify the target audience for the desired event. Professionals in the field have to take into consideration budgeting, developing a theme, making sure all equipment and facilities are according to the desires of the client. The lectures offer a mix of business and management knowledge, including education on creativity and design elements.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Business Ethics
The module on Business Ethics raises the question whether or not we do need any kind of morality or ethical considerations within business and management. Even further – the question may arise why it might make sense to teach it within higher education and andragogy! The answer to this most intriguing question will be developed within the module grounded in philosophy, psychology, sociology, and management.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Field Trip I
Using the world as a real-time lab for understanding tourism in all its facets, that is what this module is aiming on. Based upon a preparation course in class, providing necessary background information and tourism specifics for the designated destination, the related international field-trip focuses on evaluating and critically reflecting business and their specifics in the country of choice. Expert-meeting as well as site visits enrich the theoretic fundamentals and contribute to a better and deeper understanding of tourism processes in the everyday world.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language B1+
In diesem Modul erweitern und festigen Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Aufbauend auf den vorherigen Modulen und den dort erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben konsolidieren Sie Ihre kommunikative Kompetenz und erweitern systematisch Ihren Wortschat
Sie werden befähigt, sich mit kooperativen Muttersprachlern ohne größere Anstrengung zu verständigen und aktiv an Diskussionen über bekannte Themen teilzunehmen sowie eigene Ansichten zu erklären und zu verdeutlichen.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken sowie mit Originalmaterialien erwerben Sie Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
French IV/ Spanish IV/ Swedish IV
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Special Topic
Tourism is a constantly changing phenomena. Buzz words in todays reality like Individualisation, 24/7 societies, climate change or sea water level rise are just a few aspects constantly changing the framework conditions of tourism. Therefore this module addresses state of the art aspects arising from ongoing changes and relates them to future tourism development.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Sustainability and CSR
The module emphasizes a holistic understanding of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It additionally provokes critical thinking by working on critical analyses and understanding of both theoretical issues and practical implications relating to the three significant dimensions of sustainability i.e. environmental, economic and socio-cultural sustainability in tourism. A paradigm shift may delineate prosperous future development potential for national and international corporations.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
This course on branding is an inspirational and creative event to help participants plan, build and implement a compelling brand from brief to creation and implementation. We'll consider the importance of determining the personality and character of the brand and how it influences the customer experience through employees and external audiences.
This course involves not only learning about what branding is, but also how to develop strategic branding plans and equity. It covers a wide range of business topics, such as strategic marketing, ethical issues and relationship marketing.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
Transport in Leisure and Tourism
Transport plays a vital role in the tourism system, besides providing accessibility to as well as inside destinations, transport often becomes a tourism product on its own. Therefore this module provides a basic understanding of transport studies in order to lay the foundation of studying transport as an integral part of tourism industries. Addressing issues such as innovative business models in tourism transportation or the further integration of transport providers in the tourism industry the module opens up an additional dimension in tourism studies.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
Advanced Leisure Management
This module provides an understanding of the big picture. It introduces major political, economic and social trends such as neoliberalism, McDonaldization or the low-cost and discount hype. You develop an understanding of these overarching phenomena per se, their interconnectedness and their major consequences for society at large. Then you discover their specific meaning for the fields of leisure, travel and tourism. You assume the perspective of businesses in the tourism industry, and you put yourself also in the shoes of customers and employees to understand how every stakeholder of tourism is affected differently by the same trends.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
New Business Development
Business development focuses on tasks and processes to develop and implement growth opportunities within and between organizations. Based on interdisciplinary management approaches and concepts students will gain expertise in creating long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Research Project
Applying research methodology in a real case is the core of this module. Along with the theoretic research methodology course comes a real research case where student teams will apply their research know how over the stretch of 2-semesters. The course includes the creation of a research questions, the development of a specific empirical tool, the implementation of empirical research and the composition of final research report.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 6 hours / 9 ECTS points
Field Trip II
Using the world as a real-time lab for understanding tourism in all its facets, that is what this module is aiming on. Based upon a preparation course in class, providing necessary background information and tourism specifics for the designated destination, the related international field-trip focuses on evaluating and critically reflecting business and their specifics in the country of choice. Expert-meeting as well as site visits enrich the theoretic fundamentals and contribute to a better and deeper understanding of tourism processes in the everyday world.
Contact hours and ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
5th Semester: Internship (21 weeks) and Evaluation
ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
SWS: Semesterwochenstunden

Detailed Information
- Duration: 21 weeks
- 7th semester or earlier
- Either the practical semester or a study semester have to be spent abroad.
- Confirmation of the internship semester after the evaluation
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Internship Professor for LTM:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang G. Scherl
Internship coordinator of the Hochschule Stralsund:
Eva-Maria Mertens
Download Trainee contract:
> deutsch
> englisch
> französisch
> spanisch
Where do LTM students their internships?
Further information
Students have to inform the Students Support Centre (Mrs. Anne-Cathleen Klein) about their internship semester. Beside this, we would like to have some information about your internship semester. (Please inform Mrs. Anne Christiansen.)
Financial support
Different kinds of fondations / institutions.
- Search and application for an internship: 1 year (average)
- Support:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang G. Scherl - Programm Management:
Mrs. Anne Christiansen
For more details, please have a look at this document.
Welcher Studientyp sind Sie?
Neben der Möglichkeit, den Bachelor-Studiengang Leisure and Tourism Management in Vollzeit zu studieren, kann der Studiengang alternativ auch als Teilzeitstudium belegt werden. Damit lässt sich das Studium flexibel auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse für Familie und Beruf zuschneiden.
Studieren in Teilzeit
Sie haben die Möglichkeit, einen Doppelabschluss in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnerhochschulen zu erhalten. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass jedes Doppelabschlussabkommen seine eigenen Bestimmungen hat.
Diese Hochschulen haben Doppelabschlussabkommen mit dem Studiengang Leisure and Tourism Management der Hochschule Stralsund: