Study organisation

Timetables and examination schedules

Here you will find the current timetables and examination schedules for your faculty.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Economics

Counselling services

Stralsund University of Applied Sciences offers you a wide range of personal counselling services directly on campus for all questions relating to your studies.

Please first inform yourself about some of the topics in the following sections. If you have any further questions, the staff at the Student Offices and the General Student Counselling Service will be happy to help.

Open consultation hours: every Thursday from 09:00 - 12:00
If you require individual counselling, we will be happy to arrange a personal appointment; to arrange an appointment, please call or send an e-mail.

Semester fee and re-registration

Upon payment of the semester fee, you will be re-registered for the next semester. Click here for more information.

Study and examination portal (SuP)

Use the study and examination portal (SuP) of Stralsund University of Applied Sciences to manage your studies.

Health/accident insurance

To study, everyone must provide proof of health insurance. You can also find information on accident insurance here.


Your personal, electronic chip card has various functions. Find out more about your HOST card here.

Change and double degree programme

Further information on changing degree programmes or universities and on double degree programmes can be found here.

Leave of absence and de-registration

Information on leave of absence and de-registration can be found here.