Study abroad

Would you like to study abroad to learn another language or to get in touch with other cultures?
On this website you will find all information required to get prepared for your individual experience abroad.

If you require further information regarding your stay abroad, contact the International Office and make a consultation appointment.

Current Announcements

Programmes and Information

Erasmus+ funds to study abroad for the academic year 2024/2025

Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad.

The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2021 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU's strategic framework for education and training.

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, called ECHE, enables the universities to take part within the program. Students have the opportunity to study or work abroad.

As a student, enrolled in your university, you are able to get following benefits with the Erasmus+ programme:


  • exemption from payment of study fees
  • academic acknowledgement of your studies abroad
  • mobility grant
  • support and assistance during your time abroad

The new Erasmus+ programme generation 2021-2027 focuses on the following cross-cutting themes:

  • Digitalisation
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • Environmental protection & sustainability
  • Increasing participation in the democratic process

Amount of the Scholarship 

The financial support of Erasmus+ stays is based on the different cost of living in specific countries.

The following funding rates apply for the academic year 2024/25 from the 2023 project:

Group 1: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom → 600 €/ month

Group 2: Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus → 540 €/ month

Group 3: Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, FYR Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary → 490 €/month

New: Green Mobility at Erasmus+

If you travel at least one way (outward or return) by a sustainable means of transport (e.g. bicycle, train, long-distance bus, carpool) to/from the location of your host university, you can apply for the "Green Travel" grant. There is a one-time contribution for sustainable travel of 50 euros and additionally a maximum of 4 travel days can be claimed. The travel days on which you have traveled sustainably count as additional days of stay and will be financially supported with the valid daily rate of the corresponding country rate (subject to funds).

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

Here is the link to information from the DAAD on the topic of Green Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ Special Funding

Top Ups for „fewer opportunities“(250 € /month)

  • Students travelling with their child(ren)

Students who take their child or children abroad with them can also receive an additional 250 euros per month. The prerequisite is that the child or children is/are taken along during the entire stay. The allowance is 250 euros per month per family, regardless of the number of children. The application is also possible if a caregiver (partner) travels along.

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

  • Students with disabilities

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

If particularly high additional costs arise due to your stay abroad, a so-called "real cost application" can be submitted instead with a few months' notice, through which up to 15,000 euros per semester can be covered, e.g. for an accompanying person. It is also possible to receive a grant for a preparatory trip to explore the local conditions. This requires a lot of time in advance, so we ask students to seek advice early.

  • Students with a chronic illness

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

If particularly high additional costs arise due to your stay abroad, a so-called "real cost application" can be submitted instead with a few months' notice, through which up to 15,000 euros per semester can be covered, e.g. for an accompanying person. It is also possible to receive a grant for a preparatory trip to explore the local conditions. This requires a lot of time in advance, so we ask students to seek advice early.

  • Students from a non-academic background

Studies have shown that students whose parents have not already studied themselves are less likely to consider a stay abroad. With additional funding, the Erasmus program aims to encourage these students to take the step abroad. In this case, students whose parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences are considered first-time academics. Here, too, 250 euros are available in addition to the regular monthly Erasmus grant.

A degree from a university-like university of cooperative education is considered an academic degree. Likewise, courses of study completed abroad count as academic degrees, even if they are not recognized in Germany. A master craftsman's diploma is not considered an academic degree.

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

  • working students

Students who earn a significant amount of their own living may be reluctant to embark on a stay abroad, as they are often unable to continue working while abroad and earnings are lost. To alleviate this problem, there is now a top-up amount of 250 euros if the following criteria apply:

  • employment subject to social insurance
  • or self-employment
  • with net earnings of more than 450 euros and less than 850 euros in any month
  • continuously employed for at least six months during the two semesters prior to the stay abroad

The activity must have taken place during this period:

Stay abroad in/from fall semester:
1 August of the previous year through 31 July of the year abroad

Stay abroad in spring semester:
1 February of the previous year through 31 January of the year abroad
The employment may be a single one or several immediately following each other. An interruption within the regular vacation period during employment is not a problem.

  • the activity is not continued during the stay abroad, so that there is a loss of earnings

You also agree to provide supporting documentation.

Please apply for funding by answering the relevant questions in our online application portal. Since funds are limited, it is generally not possible to apply after the deadline.

Obligations of the grant holders

  • Punctual and complete submission of all Erasmus+ documents to the International Office of the university
  • Final report of the internship / stay abroad to the European Union via an online form. The related hyperlink will be sent before the payment of the last installment
  • Submission of an experience report

Students of the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund are able to participate in the Erasmus+ program if

  • You are already enrolled
  • the stay abroad is planned for winter term 2024/25 and/or summer term 2025
  • the partner university and the University of Stralsund do have an Inter-institutional agreement
  • the Erasmus+ contingent is not fully used yet (90-360 days of stay, depending on the degree)
  • sufficient language skills of the foreign language already have been acquired (certificate needed!)
  • the primary residence of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay
  1. Get informed!
  2. Choose your top 3 partner universities
  3. Apply via our online platform
  4. Be patient! Your application is being processed!
  5. Accept the offer via our online application platform
  6. Wait for the nomination made by us
  7. Apply at the partner university (according to their requirements)
  8. Submit the original grant agreement with your signature
  9. Draw up your Learning Agreement and submit it. Note that the agreement must be signed by all three parties. Courses with a total assessment of at least 10 ECTS must be taken abroad to be eligible for funding. Some partner universities have an individual or self-defined minimum number of ECTS credits, which must be given priority.
  10. Relax and arrive safely in your host country!
  11. Send in your "Confirmation of Arrival"
  12. Enjoy your stay abroad!
  13. Remember to fill out "During the Mobility" in your Learning Agreement in case there are any changes (up to 5 weeks after the start of the semester at the partner university)
  14. Say Goodbye and return back home!
  15. Send in your "Confirmation of Departure"
  16. Share your experience by writing and submitting an experience report
  17. Fill out the EU-Survey
  18. Send in your "Transcript of Records"
  19. Well done! Already thinking about a new adventure abroad?

⇒ Here you can find the Checklist to print. 



Application documents:

  • Online application form
  • Letter of motivation in German or English (look at Guidelines)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form in the language of the host country or in English 
  • Language certificate of the required level at the partner institution (Please read the information sheet on language certificates carefully first! General valid language certificates, such as DAAD language certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF etc. are accepted. For each language for which you need a DAAD language certificate, fill in the first page of the PDF form electronically and sign it digitally. Then send the completed and signed form electronically to the relevant teacher at the Language Centre, stating the semester in which you took the respective language course exam. There the form will be processed further and finally signed and stamped and sent back to you.)
  • Certificate of study (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
  • Certificate of transcript of grades of the university (available at the QIS portal or in the study office)
  • Certificate of the preliminary average grade (available in the study office)
  • Sworn declaration to apply for Top-Ups, if applicable (available on our Website: Forms and Documents)


Attention: Only applications sent completely and at due time will be taken into account!

Please note that you should keep a valid residence permit in Germany during your semester abroad with Erasmus+. In addition, always talk to Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Office)!


Find your Erasmus University

*According to the online search engine are currently only available Erasmus+ places with reservations! The reason for this is the european technical difficulties in the implementation of "Erasmus Without Paper" including the digital extension of the inter-  institutional agreements with our partner universities.

Selection Criteria

The selection is made by:


Average grade


Relevant language skills




Obligatory semester


Social, cultural, societal engagement or work within the student self-administration




Insurance cover

There is no insurance cover associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant.

Insurance costs cann't be financed by the participant from the mobility grant.

In addition, always talk to your existing health insurance. For stays in Europe you are already covered by your German insurance card. Participants should be in possession of such an european health insurance card.

Further information you will find here.

The following insurances should be given:

  • Travel insurance if necessary (including repatriation from abroad)
  • Liability insurance (professional and personal liability)
  • Insurance for accidents and serious illnesses (including full or partial incapacity to work)
  • Life insurance (including repatriation from abroad)
Erasmus+ worldwide
Erasmus+ worldwide

To support higher education institutions, to build and expand sustainable corporation with partner institutions in the long term, and to offer students and employees more opportunities to gain international experience, up to 20% of the granted project budgets can be used in the Erasmus+ key action KA131 to promote mobility of programme countries in partner countries.


  • exemption from payments of study fees
  • academic aknowledgement of your studies abroad
  • mobility grant
  • support and assistance during your time abroad

There are Erasmus+ partnerships with the following non-EU partner universities in the works:

Brazil: Universidade Federal do Pará

FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Universidad de los Andes

Colombia: Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Peru: Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL)

Thailand: Naresuan University

Uzbekistan: Tashkent State Economic University (TSEU)

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages



Students of the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund are able to participate in the Erasmus program under the following conditions:

  • you are already enrolled
  • the stay abroad is planned for winter term 2023/24 and/or summer term 2024
  • the partner university and the University of Stralsund do have an Inter-institutional agreement
  • the Erasmus+ contingent is not fully used yet (90-360 days of stay, depending on the degree)
  • sufficient language skills of the foreign language already have been acquired (certificate needed)
  • the main residence of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay
  1. Get informed!
  2. Choose your top 3 partner universities
  3. Apply via our online platform
  4. Be patient! Your application is being processed!
  5. Accept the offer via our online application platform
  6. Wait for the nomination made by us
  7. Apply at the partner university (according to their requirements)
  8. Submit the original grant agreement with your signature
  9. Draw up your Learning Agreement and submit it. Note that the agreement must be signed by all three parties. Courses with a total assessment of at least 10 ECTS must be taken abroad to be eligible for funding. Some partner universities have an individual or self-defined minimum number of ECTS credits, which must be given priority.
  10. Relax and arrive safely in your host country!
  11. Send in your "Confirmation of Arrival"
  12. Enjoy your stay abroad!
  13. Remember to fill out "During the Mobility" in your Learning Agreement in case there are any changes (up to 5 weeks after the start of the semester at the partner university)
  14. Say Goodbye and return back home!
  15. Send in your "Confirmation of Departure"
  16. Share your experience by writing and submitting an experience report
  17. Fill out the EU-Survey
  18. Send in your "Transcript of Records"
  19. Well done! Already thinking about a new adventure abroad?

⇒ Here you can find the Checklist to print. 



Scholarship Amount: 700€/ month

Top ups:

Top Up for „fewer opportunities“ (250 € /month)

  • Students travelling with their child(ren)

  • Students with disabilities

  • Students with a chronic illness

  • Students from a non-academic background

  • working students

Top up for green Erasmus+: 50€ + funding up to four travel days

For Erasmus+ worldwide, the following travel allowances are also charged:

Travelling distance & corresponding flat rate:
10 - 99 km: €23
100 - 499 km: € 180; Green Travel: €210
500 - 1,999 km: €275, Green Travel: €320
2,000 - 2,999 km: €360; Green Travel: €410
3,000 - 3,999 km: € 530; Green Travel: €610
4,000 - 7,999 km: €820
8,000 km and more: €1,500

Important: (currently still) subject to available funds


Application documents:

  • Online application form
  • letter of motivation in German or English (look at guidelines)
  • curriculum vitae in tabular form in the language of the host country or in English
  • language certificate of the required level at the partner institution (Please read the information sheet on language certificates carefully first! General valid language certificates, such as DAAD language certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF etc. are accepted. For each language for which you need a DAAD language certificate, fill in the first page of the PDF form electronically and sign it digitally . Then send the completed and signed form electronically to the relevant teacher at the Language Centre, stating the semester in which you took the respective language course exam. There the form will be processed further and finally signed and stamped and sent back to you.) 
  • certificate of study (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
  • certificate of transcript of grades of the university (available at the QIS portal or in the study office)


Selection criteria

The selection is made by:


Average grade


Relevant language skills




Obligatory semester


Social, cultural, societal engagement or work within the student self-administration




Insurance cover

There is no insurance cover associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant. In addition, always talk to your existing health insurance. For stays in Europe, you are already covered by your German insurance card. Participants should be in possession of such an European health insurance card.
The following insurances should be given:

  • travel insurance if necessary (including repatriation from abroad)
  • liability insurance (professional and personal liability)
  • insurance for accidents and serious illnesses (including full or partial incapacity to work)
  • life insurance (including repatriation from abroad

Further information you will find here.

PROMOS funding rates to study abroad in the calendar year 2025

Attention: For your financial advantage!
From 2025 on, PROMOS scholarships will be granted for our three PROMOS partner universities only:

New Zealand - Otago Polytechnic (

Advantage for applying via Hochschule Stralsund:

  • 1 scholarship for one semester per year

Australia - University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) (

Advantage for applying via Hochschule Stralsund:

  • Scholarships corresponding 15% discount on the tuition fees

    USA - UC Santa Barbara (

    Advantage for applying via Hochschule Stralsund:

    • Scholarships corresponding 20% discount on the tuition fees

    Besides study fees, costs are incurred for arrival, accommodation, teaching material (books), health care insurance etc.

    You can find the stay opportunities including the allocated study programes in our study place finder.

    PROMOS is the mobility program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which supports study and internship stays of students worldwide at the Hochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences by awarding partial scholarships.

    Study visits worldwide can be applied for a minimum of one to a maximum of six months. Study visits in the Erasmus area are only possible, if there is no agreement with the university yet, but the conclusion of a new Erasmus cooperation is already intended.

    Funding is also available for final theses and project work abroad. Theses that are not carried out at a university or in a company can exceptionally be funded if the relevant faculty fully supports the project and if the students submit a detailed timetable, which can be used to monitor the success of the project.

    Amount of the scholarship

    The amount of the scholarship rates and travel allowances for study visits and internships depends on the respective country and is calculated according to the funding rates set by the DAAD.

    The scholarship holders receive a partial scholarship for the stay (s. table of funding rates: "Teilstipendium Aufenthalt in Euro"). The grant duration depends on the amount of the allocation of funds, but corresponds at least one month.
    Moreover, subject to the allocation of funds, a grant for the mobility ("Teilstipendium Aufenthalt") will be paid.
    Doctoral students cannot be funded for study and internship stays abroad

    Funding period

    The funding period is from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025.

    Importance of travel warnings of the Foreign Office for the allocation and execution of scholarships, study trips and competition trips

    If there is a travel warning from the German Foreign Office for the country or region in question, the university may not conclude/send a scholarship agreement/grant approval.

    If the Foreign Office issues a travel warning after the start of the stay, the scholarship holders must be requested to leave the country by the university. Scholarship holders are to be advised that they should register on the website of the Foreign Office (electronic registration: "Elefand"), especially when travelling to regions with a critical security situation.

    Further information you will find here: safety regulations

    PROMOS support for persons with disabilities and chronic diseases

    Special needs for disabled persons can be recognized within the PROMOS programme as eligible for funding up to a maximum of 10,000 euros, if they involve additional expenses incurred abroad and other competent bodies (e.g. social insurance agencies) do not provide financial support.

    The following documents must be submitted with the application, which should be sent in text form (e.g. by e-mail) to the DAAD's program management department:

    • Copy of a disability certificate (degree of disability at least 50 percent)
    • Tabular list of expected expenses
    • Proof that no financial support is provided by another competent body

    Approval is granted by means of a separate grant agreement (letter of approval).

    Further information regarding PROMOS you will find here:

    Alle specifications without warranty!


    Students of the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund are able to participate in the PROMOS program if ...

    • you are already enrolled at HOST
    • the stay abroad is planned within 2025
    • the stay abroad should take place in the 3rd semester (B.A.) or 2nd Semester (M.A.)
    • the duration of stay is minimum 1 month
    • sufficient language skills of the foreign language already have been acquired
    • the primary residence of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay
    • you have a German citizenship or are equal to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG (according to the law which can be found at:  or if you are
    • non-German students and university graduates, who are enrolled in a course of study at a German university with the aim of obtaining a degree or a doctorate at the German university, the homeland of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay


    1. Get informed!
    2. Choose your host country and the study semester
    3. Apply via our online application platform!
    4. Find out about the application procedure at your university of choice!
    5. Accept your PROMOS via the online application platform
    6. Return the signed scholarship agreement in original
    7. Apply at the university of your choice within time (according to their deadlines and information)
    8. Submit your Letter of Acceptance to the International Office
    9. Create your form "Recognition of exams" and submit it before the mobility starts. Note that it must contain the signature of the person responsible for the course.
    10. Inform the study office about your stay abroad.
    11. Relax and arrive safely in your host country!
    12. Submit your "Confirmation of Arrival"
    13. Enjoy your stay abroad!
    14. Remember to change the courses in your "Recognition of exams" document if there are any changes
    15. Say Goodbye and return back home!
    16. Submit your "Confirmation of Departure"
    17. Share your experience by writing and submitting an experience report
    18. Submit your "Transcript of Records"
    19. Well done! Already thinking about a new adventure abroad?

      ⇒ Here you can find the Checklist to print.



    The following required application documents must be signed and completed before submitting them:

    • Online application form
    • Letter of motivation in German or English (look at Guidelines)
    • Curriculum vitae in tabular form in the language of the host country or in English 
    • complete language certificate of the required level at the partner institution ((Please read the information sheet on language certificates carefully first! General valid language certificates, such as DAAD language certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF etc. are accepted. For each language for which you need a DAAD language certificate, fill in the first page of the PDF form electronically and sign it digitally. Then send the completed and signed form electronically to the relevant teacher at the Language Centre, stating the semester in which you took the respective language course exam. There the form will be processed further and finally signed and stamped and sent back to you.)
    • Certificate of study (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
    • Proof of academic achievement at the home university (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
    • Possibly „Letter of Acceptance“ from the partner university or the contract with the internship institution
    • Certificate of transcript of grades of the university (available at the QIS portal or in the study office)
    • Certificate of the preliminary average grade (available in the study office)



    Selection Criteria

    The Stralsund University of Applied Sciences selects the scholarship holders on behalf of the DAAD and awards them a country-specific partial scholarship for their stay.


    The selection is made by:


    Average grade (min. 2,5)


    Obligatory semester


    Relevant language skills




    Social, cultural, societal engagement or work within the student self-administration




    Award principle:


    In accordance with the relevant DAAD guidelines, scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of the average grade. In addition, the following quota of distribution among the three faculties is applied: 80 per cent for the Faculty of Economics and 20 per cent for the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering combined. This quota takes into account the student numbers of the three faculties on the one hand and the usual faculty affiliation of the applicants on the other. This serves to give all students access to the very limited scholarships and at the same time to meet the demand.


    The selection decision by the Internationalisation Commission is expected to be communicated to the applicants probably in February 2023.

    Insurance cover

    The PROMOS program doesn't include any insurance cover. Insurance costs can be financed by the participant from the mobility grant. Students who are supported by a DAAD program have the possibility to use the combined health, accident and personal liability insurance of the DAAD for interns and students.

    In addition, always talk to your existing health insurance. For stays in Europe you are already covered by your German insurance card. Participants should be in possession of such an european health insurance card.

    Internal program from the school of Business Administration
    Australia: University of the Sunshine Coast & New Zealand: Otago Polytechnic

    Would you like to do a semester abroad in Australia or New Zealand during the Winter Semester 2024/25? Then apply for a study place at the University of the Sunshine Coast or the Otago Polytechnic and use the advantages of an application via the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, you can apply for a PROMOS grant as well.

    University of the Sunshine Coast & Otago Polytechnic

    Australia – University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) (

    Advantages of an application via the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences

    • Scholarships of 20% in total on study fees in 2023

    New Zealand – Otago Polytechnic (

    Advantages of an application via the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences

    • 1 scholarship for one semester per year

    Besides study fees, costs are incurred for arrival, accommodation, teaching material (books), health care insurance etc.

    Application Period: October 30, 2023 to December 15, 2023


    • Application form for international students at the University of the Sunshine Coast or
    • Application form at the Otago Polytechnic
    • Motivation letter
    • Current academic transcript that proves the completed bachelor courses with ECTS and current courses (or an additional official document, which proves the current course selection).
    • Language certificate in English or a letter of recommendation that verifies a B2-Level
    • Copy of your passport

    The Application forms must be submitted to the International Office via

    There is no consultation for the application forms. The applicants are self-responsible for the completeness, correctness, and readability of the forms.

    The selection commission of the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences makes the inspection and selection.


    General Information

    Can I have BAföG and an Erasmus+ grant at the same time?

    Yes, students eligible for BAföG can take advantage of Erasmus+ for a stay abroad. The Erasmus+ grant is a subsidy for additional costs incurred abroad. It is not a basic financing and not a full scholarship.

    Can I have BAföG and a PROMOS scholarship at the same time?

    Yes, but PROMOS scholarships must be reported to the responsible office for BAföG.

    What is the Erasmus+ Student Charter?

    The "Erasmus+ Student Charter" sets out the obligations and rights of students in the Erasmus+ programme. The "Erasmus+ Student Charter" is provided to each student before the beginning of the stay abroad and is the annex to the Grant Agreement.

    What is the Grant Agreement?

    Before the beginning of the stay, a Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ studies and/or traineeships has to be concluded with the funded persons according to the minimum requirements of the EU COM. The Grant Agreement is only valid in the original signed and dated paper version.

    What is the Learning Agreement?

    The sending university and the host institution are obliged to conclude a "Learning Agreement" (Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeships) with the students before the beginning of the stay. The Learning Agreement contains provisions for the formal recognition of learning outcomes.
    The Learning Agreement must be signed and dated by three parties (home university, host university, student) prior to the stay. The Learning Agreement does not have to be a signed original; copies/scans are accepted. From 2021 onwards, the process of digitally concluding Learning Agreements will be mandatory. Subsequent completion of the documents is not permitted. Changes to the Learning Agreement after arrival of the student at the host university are possible until five weeks after the start of the semester at the host university and are to be agreed by the three parties in the part "Changes to the Learning Agreement" (during the mobility).

    What is the Transcript of Records or Traineeship Certificate?

    The Transcript of Records (ToR) is issued by a host university after the announcement of the results achieved by the guest students. The format of the ToR (Learning Agreement after the mobility - Table C), which is prescribed by EU COM, can also be replaced by a document developed by the host university or by an entry in the internal online examination system, provided that the university's documentation contains the minimum information required by EU COM.

    The Traineeship Certificate can be replaced by a qualified job reference as long as it contains all required elements of the Traineeship Certificate.

    What is the Mobility Agreement?

    The sending university and the host institution (university/organization) are obliged to conclude a Mobility Agreement - Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training (Mobility Agreement for Teaching Stays/For Further Education) before the start of the stay. The Mobility Agreement does not have to be a signed original; copies/scans are accepted.

    What is the EU-Survey?

    Grant recipients are obliged to prepare a report (EU-Survey) on the Mobility Tool+ after the mobility is completed.

    If the EU-Survey answers "No" to the question of whether the recognition process has been completed, participants will receive a second report on the recognition.
    The EU-Survey is sent out on the last day of the mobility and the grant holder has 30 days to complete it, according to the Grant Agreement.

    What is OLS?

    The promotion of language competence and language learning is one of the main objectives of the European educational program Erasmus+. The European Commission supports Erasmus+ participants in program countries in the acquisition and deepening of working and/or national languages. In the higher education sector, this offer applies to funded persons who spend a period of time in another European country for study or internship purposes. The online language support system (OLS) includes both a language test (before and after a mobility) and a language course. Language tests and language courses are available for all 24 official languages of the European Union (Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish Gaelic*, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish). There are currently no language courses available for languages marked with *. The completion of the second language test is not an eligibility criterion in 2020.
    In order to ensure that all grantees (including Zero Grant) can receive an OLS language test, licenses are available without restrictions for each grantee. All granted licenses are project-related and only valid for the duration of the respective grant agreement. OLS language tests must not be a selection criterion for an Erasmus mobility grant.

    OLS language tests online
    After the selection of funded participants, Erasmus+ students and trainees are invited to a language test in the working language of the mobility (exception: native speakers). The first language test must be taken before the mobility and the second language test after the mobility. Only the first language test is compulsory. The test measures the development of the language level through international mobility. It thus provides important feedback on your own abilities. In this respect it is not a selection criterion for Erasmus+ funding. If the language test is completed before the mobility with the language level of C2, the language test after the mobility is not required.

    OLS - several language courses
    Before the first language test is taken, students have the opportunity to select additional language courses in one or more national languages in addition to the language course in the working language. This is no longer possible if students have already started a language course in the working language. Example: Erasmus+ students aiming to study in Belgium can, if registered early, take up to four language courses at the same time (working language: English, national languages: German, Flemish, French).

    What are the current funding rates?

    Students receive Erasmus+ funds during their stay abroad as a subsidy to cover additional costs incurred.
    The Erasmus+ guidelines for the subsidy rates are based on the cost of living in the country of origin and the country of destination. The program countries are divided into three groups.
    Since the 2018 project, monthly funding rates per country group have been set by the NA DAAD. Special funding is an exception to this rule.
    Interns and graduates are funded at equal rates.

    Erasmus funding rates Project 2019

    • Group 1 (450 euros per month): Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.
    • Group 2 (390 Euro per month): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.
    • Group 3 (330 Euro per month): Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia (FYROM), Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.

    Erasmus funding rates Project 2020

    • Group 1 (450 euros per month): Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.
    • Group 2 (390 Euro per month): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.
    • Group 3 (330 Euro per month): Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.

    The entitlement of students to support (through national scholarships or loans) at their home university should be maintained for the duration of their stay abroad. It is not possible to credit third-party funds by reducing the individual Erasmus+ grant amount. A company salary for internships/placements may not be credited against the Erasmus+ grant. The final grant is calculated on the basis of the confirmed or recognized length of stay.

    What is a zero grant?

    Funding without a financial Erasmus+ grant is possible as long as the quality assurance framework is taken into account. The grant as a Zero Grant will count towards the maximum duration of 12 months per study cycle.

    Can I take part in an Erasmus+ exchange if I’m not an EU citizen?

    Yes! All students that are regularly enrolled in the HOST can take part in an Erasmus exchange. This includes students from a joint study program at the HOST with another German university. Please note that in some cases, students may need to apply for a visa for the host country.

    Please note that you should keep a valid residence permit in Germany during your semester abroad with Erasmus+. In addition, always talk to Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Office)!

    More Info are here.

    What means of transport are meant by Green Travel?

    Green Travel means travel in which, for the most part of the journey, low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or car sharing is used. A detailed list of the like transport is not available in the Erasmus+ program. Thus, travel by ship is also considered a “green travel” if the location is otherwise only accessible by plane (for example Ireland, Iceland, etc.).

    Can air travel be considered a green travel if CO2 emissions are financially compensated for?

    No, aircraft travel is not considered a sustainable means of transport, even if CO2 emissions are compensated.

    Can the top-up for “Green Travel” also be paid if only one route (return or return) corresponds to the previous ones?

    If at least 50% of mobility is contested by Green Travel, the trip meets the criteria for the grant for Green Travel.

    Preparation for your stay abroad
    External commercial providers

    Here you can find further offers and information provided by external providers:

    Supporting offers for the search for student accommodation from third parties:

    The University of Applied Sciences Stralsund does not assume any liability for external contents and offers. These originate in part from commercial providers. Therefore, please inform yourself in advance if any costs or the like arise from the use of such content.

    Decision guidance

    Here you find points of guidance to plan your stay abroad:

    • Aim of the stay
    • Period of stay - time and duration
    • Target country (including language skills and language of communication)
    • Financing of the stay (BAföG, scholarship etc.)
    • Insurance abroad (liability, accident and health insurance etc.)
    • Visa, if necessary (please note the time period for application)

    The information research should start about 1 to 1.5 years before the stay.

    Further information regarding your stay abroad you will find on the website of the DAAD

    Language skills

    Those who want to study abroad should have at least a basic knowledge of the language of the host country. At some foreign universities, certain language tests are required for admission, e.g:

    It is advisable to take an intensive language course before a stay abroad. Information about language courses can be found on the following homepage.
    Verbraucherorganisation "Aktion Bildungsinformation ABI e. V.

    Recognition of ECTS Points

    ECTS is the European Credit Recognition System. It was developed by the European Union to provide a common approach to guarantee academic recognition of study achievements abroad.

    60 credits correspond to the workload for one academic year and 30 credits are usually awarded for a semester and 20 credits for a trimester. Credits are only awarded if the subject has been completed and the required examinations have been passed successfully.

    Procedure for the recognition of achievements abroad

    Before the stay:

    1. Before staying at an university abroad, the subjects of the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and the host university will be compared.
    2. This will be then discussed with the responsible professor / lecturer. For this purpose, the number of credits should be taken into account and the contents of the course (module description) should be presented
    3. The professor confirms with his signature the professional recognition, so that students have security for the later recognition before the beginning of the stay abroad.
    4. Erasmus students should then complete "Learning Agreement" and have it signed by the responsible ECTS coordinator. The other students should complete " Recognition of Examination Achievements" and have it signed by the responsible professor / lecturer.

    After the stay:

    1. After the semester or year abroad, the form for "Learning Agreement" or "Recognition of Examination Results" must be submitted to the International Office together with the English or German transcript of grades of the foreign university for grade recognition.
    2. The recognition of grades is done according to the valid grade conversion at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and according to the principles and recommendations for the conversion of grades during temporary stays abroad.

    ECTS coordinators of the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund

    ECTS coordinator of the University - Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Koch
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Steffenhagen
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Lotter
    Faculty of Economy - Dr. Acácia, Malhado


    Data Privacy

    Use of (1) data in the context of the application procedure as well as (2) experience reports together with photo and video recordings in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO).

    Purpose and legal basis of data processing

    (1) Personal data in the context of funding programmes
    Personal data and documents provided serve the purposes of selection and implementation within the framework of the Erasmus+, PROMOS and Ministry of Education programmes. The processing of the data (collection, storage and transfer to third parties, see under 5.) is based on the express consent of the person(s) with parental authority or the person(s) concerned, thus in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter a DSGVO. Possible recipients of the personal data are, in addition to Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, in particular cooperating universities abroad, the German Academic Exchange Service e.V. and the European Commission.

    (2) Field reports together with photos and video recordings
    Experience reports as well as photos and video recordings provided shall serve the purposes of press and public relations work, advertising for further events and internal documentation of the event. The processing of the report and the photos or videos (collection, storage and transfer to third parties, see under 5.) is based on the express consent of the person(s) with parental authority or the person(s) concerned, thus in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter a DSGVO. The publication of the report and selected image files in (print) publications of the organiser(s) as well as on their homepage/Facebook account or similar is necessary for the public relations work of the organiser(s) and thus serves the legitimate interests of the participants, Art. 6 para. 1 letter f DSGVO.

    In addition, the General Privacy Policy of Stralsund University of Applied Sciences applies. You can find it here.

    Contact Person

    Christine Tokaji

    Koordinatorin Outgoing


    +49 3831 45 6539


    126, Haus 1

    Attention: Consultations on site currently take place only upon request!

    Office Hours:

    Office Hours: Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. & Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

    Online (by appointment):

    Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

    Book an appointment

    Further appointments and in urgent cases consultation on site by arrangement.