Internship abroad

With an internship abroad you can benefit from many advantages. In addition to your professional training, you will gain important insights into the world of work and will expand your professional network. Moreover, your foreign language skills and your range of experience will grow. All these competences will later be important on the job market. However, since even these short stays abroad are connected with additional costs and the internships are often not remunerated, you should seek financial support and assistance at an early stage.

On this page you will find some information about the DAAD funding programmes Erasmus+ and PROMOS.


Current Announcements

Programmes and Information

Erasmus+ funding

Erasmus+ Internship & Erasmus+ Graduate Internship

→ Application deadline: November 15. with start of the mobility in the 1. quarter of the following year

→ Application deadline: February 15. with start of the mobility in the 2. quarter of the calendar year

→ Application deadline: May 15. with start of the mobility in the 3. quarter of the calendar year

→ Application deadline: August 15. with start of the mobility in the 4. quarter of the calendar year


ERASMUS+ is the name of the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, which started on 1st January 2014. It replaced the Lifelong Learning, the Youth in Action programme and the EU's international higher education programmes with third countries.

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for participating in the programme was awarded to individual universities.

Scholarship Amount

The national agency at the DAAD sets the funding rates anew every year. The financial support for Erasmus+ stays by students is based on the different cost of living in the target countries.

The following funding rates apply for the academic year 2025/26  from the 2024 project:

Group 1: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden + Partner Countries Regions 13 & 14 → 750 €/ month

Group 2: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain → 690 €/ month

Group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Turkey → 690 €/month

Erasmus+ Partner Countries (worldwide) Regions 1 - 12 → 700 €/month


New: Green Mobility at Erasmus+

In accordance with the ERASMUS guidelines and as a motivation for Green Mobility we will pay out a bonus of €50 from the academic year 2022/23 on who will travel to and from the host destination by sustainable means (e.g. train, bus, or ride-sharing). Air-travel will not be funded. Another additional possibilty of supporting for the additional time required for the outward and return journey, is by funding up to four additional travel days.

Here is the link to information from the DAAD on the topic of Green Erasmus+.

For Erasmus+ worldwide (Regions 1 - 12), the following travel allowances are also granted:

Travelling distance & corresponding flat rate:
10 - 99 km: €23
100 - 499 km: € 180; Green Travel: €210
500 - 1,999 km: €275, Green Travel: €320
2,000 - 2,999 km: €360; Green Travel: €410
3,000 - 3,999 km: € 530; Green Travel: €610
4,000 - 7,999 km: €820
8,000 km and more: €1,500


Erasmus+ Special Funding

1) Top Up for „fewer opportunities“ (250 € /month)

  • Students travelling with their child(ren)

  • Students with disabilities

  • Students with a chronic illness

  • Students with non-academic parents

  • Working students

2) Funding for „real cost“

  • Students with disabilities

  • Students with a chronic illness

More information about Erasmus+ you will find here: Erasmus+ programme and here

Obligations of the Scholarship Holders

Timely and complete submission of all Erasmus+ documents to the International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund

  • Final report to the EU. This is an online form that will be sent to you before the last instalment is paid.
  • The preparation of an experience report for the HOST

Further information on Erasmus+ can be found on the following website

Erasmus+ Info Flyer


All indications may be subject to correction.



Students receive...

  • financial allowances for their stay of internship dependent on the destination country
  • academic acknowledgement of the internship
  • support during preparation and implementation of the mobility (cultural, linguistically, organisational)
  • possibly an online language course funded by the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS),
  • possibly special support (look at FAQ: Special Top-up)
Target Groups

Students at Stralsund University can participate in the Erasmus+ programme if:

  • they are enrolled at HOST
  • internship duration of minimum 60 days
  • the Erasmus+ contingent is not fully used yet (90-360 days of stay, depending on the degree)
  • they complete the placement in a public or private institution in one of the 34 participating programme countries
  • sufficient language skills of the foreign language already have been acquired (certificate needed!)
  • the primary residence of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay

Internships are fundable within the first study year.

Graduates of the HOST can receive an Erasmus+ fund for an internship if:

  • they are enrolled at HOST at the time of their application and complete their last study year (Bachelor, Master, Promotion)
  • they have passed all exams before the start of the internship
  • they are exmatriculated during the internship
  • they have left at least 2 months from previous Erasmus+ funding or have not been funded for more than 10 months
  • the internship is carried out up to 12 months after the graduation
Funding Duration

A student ca be funded up to 12 months per study cycle with Erasmus+ for a stay abroad independently from the type and amount of mobilities:

  • 12 funding months (360 days) during the first study cycle (Bachelor)
  • 12 funding months (360 days) during the second study cycle (Master)

Students can...

  • receive a funding for 12 months within a study cycle (Bachelor, Master and Promotion) for study or internship (36 months in total)
  • the funding can be divided (e.g. for 6 months twice)

Internship duration

Insternships abroad in program countries (look at FAQ) are funded between 2 (60 days) and 12 months (360 days).

  • at minimum 2 months, at maximum 12 months
Receiving Institutions

Receving Institutions for internships/practical stays can either be universities with or without ECHE or any institutions located in different program or partner countries other than the sending institution, active on the labour market or in the fields of general and professional education/youth institutions. 

Examples for receiving institutions for internships are:

  • universities with or without ECHE (also International Office)
  • public or private small, middle or large enterprises (also public service)
  • local, regional or national public jobs
  • social partner or any other representative of the labour market (e.g. chamber of commerce, craft and professional associations, and unions)
  • reserach institutions
  • foundations
  • schools, institutions, education centers (from kindergarten to highschool to apprenticeship and adult education)
  • non-profit organisations, associations, and non-governmental organizations
  • career advice center, information center

The following institutions cannot be chosen as receiving institutions in order to avoid conflicts of interest and double funding:

German national representations in Brussels can serve as receiving institutions for Erasmus+ SM- and ST-mobilities. They are entitled to sign participation documents and agreements.

Attention: Internships at EU-institutions and any other including specialized agencies and institutions that administer EU-programs, are not fundable.

  1. Get informed!
  2. Find your internship
  3. Apply via our online platform
  4. Be patient, your application is being processed!
  5. Accept your Erasmus+ via the online application platform
  6. Submit the original of your Grant Agreement with your signature
  7. Inform the study office about your stay abroad
  8. Prepare your Learning Agreement and submit it before the start of the mobility. Note that the LA must be signed by 3 parties
  9. Travel and arrive safely in your host country!
  10. Send your "Confirmation of Arrival" 
  11. Enjoy your stay abroad!
  12. Remember to fill in your Learning Agreement "During the Mobility" if there are any changes
  13. Say goodbye and return home safely!
  14. Submit your "Confirmation of Departure
  15. Share your experience with others by submitting an experience report
  16. Fill in the EU survey
  17. Submit your "Traineeship Certificate”
  18. Done! Now you can plan your next adventure or reminisce.

⇒ Here you can find a Checklist to print.


Application documents:

  • Online application form
  • Letter of motivation in German or English (look at Guidelines)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form in the language of the host country or in English 
  • Language certificate of the required level at the partner institution (look at Please read the information sheet on language certificates carefully first! General valid language certificates, such as DAAD language certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF etc. are accepted. For each language for which you need a DAAD language certificate, fill in the first page of the PDF form electronically and sign it digitally. Then send the completed and signed form electronically to the relevant teacher at the Language Centre, stating the semester in which you took the respective language course exam. There the form will be processed further and finally signed and stamped and sent back to you.)
  • Certificate of study (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
  • Certificate of transcript of grades of the university (available at the QIS portal or in the study office)
  • Certificate of the preliminary average grade
  • Internship contract or confirmation from the company with confirmation from the internship officer. The internship contract can be submitted by email if it is not available by the application deadline. The grace period for this is a maximum of 10 working days before the start of the internship abroad. Otherwise the scholarship will be withdrawn by the International Office.
  • Written confirmation from the host organisation that the participant will not carry out his or her placement in an EU institution or other EU body, including specialised agencies and bodies managing EU programmes

Erasmus+ Internship & Erasmus+ Graduate Internship

→ Application deadline: 15.11.2022 with start of the mobility in the 1. quarter 2023

→ Application deadline: 15.02.2022 with start of the mobility in the 2. quarter 2022

→ Application deadline: 15.05.2022 with start of the mobility in the 3. quarter 2022

→ Application deadline: 15.08.2022 with start of the mobility in the 4. quarter 2022

*Recommended deadlines for graduate internships in the summer semester (November 15) and winter semester (May 15).

Please note that you should keep a valid residence permit in Germany during your semester abroad with Erasmus+. In addition, always talk to Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Office)!

Selection Criteria

The selection is made by:


Average grade


Relevant language skills




Obligatory semester


Social, cultural, societal engagement or work within the student self-administration




The selection is made by the Rectorate in consultation with the Internationalisation comission and the Outgoing coordinator.

Insurance cover

There is no insurance cover associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant.

Insurance costs cann't be financed by the participant from the mobility grant.

Students who are funded by a DAAD programme have the opportunity to use the DAAD's combined health, accident and personal liability insurance for Interns and Students.

In addition, always talk to your existing health insurance company. For stays in Europe you are already covered by health insurance via your German insurance card. Participants should be in possession of such a European Health Insurance Card. You can find further information here.

For internships/practical placements, it is compulsory to conclude an accident insurance contract for damage suffered by the beneficiary at work and liability insurance for damage caused by the beneficiary at work.

For internships abroad, special regulations regarding health insurance abroad must be observed (under certain circumstances, it may be compulsory to conclude a health insurance contract in the target country).

PROMOS (worldwide)
PROMOS funding for the calendar year 2024

PROMOS is the DAAD's mobility programme which supports study and practical stays of students worldwide at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences by awarding scholarships and partial scholarships.

Funding period

The funding period starts 01.01.2024 and ends 31.12.2024

Scholarship amount

The amount of the scholarship instalments and travel allowances for internships depends on the respective target country and is calculated according to thePROMOS funding rates given by the DAAD.

Significance of Travel Warnings issued by the Federal Foreign Office for awarding and implementing Scholarships, Study trips and Competition Trips.

If there is a travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office for the country or region concerned, the University cannot conclude/issue a scholarship agreement/Scholarship Award Letter.

If the Federal Foreign Office issues a travel warning after the start of the stay, the scholarship holders must be requested by the University to leave the country. Scholarship holders are to be advised that they should register on the website of the Federal Foreign Office (Electronic Registration: "Elefand"), especially when travelling to regions with a critical security situation.

>> For further information please click on the following link:

Information on general safety precautions for travelling abroad and staying abroad.

Further information on PROMOS can be found here: PROMOS Mobility Programme

Target Group

Students that are enrolled at a German unviersity (Bachelor or Master, every study course) can apply if:

  • they have a German citizenship or 
  • they are equal to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG (according to the law which can be found at:  or if you are
  • non-German students and university graduates, who are enrolled in a course of study at a German university with the aim of obtaining a degree or a doctorate at the German university, the homeland of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay

Attention: Students without the German citizenship cannot go to their home country. The home country is defined as the place of residence where the Student/PhD student has lived in the past five years. 

Funding duration & Internship duration

Funding duration

A PROMOS-sponsored student can be funded for six months in total within a study cycle (Bachelor, Master, First Degree, Diploma etc.), regardless of choosing one funding option or a combination of both funding options. 

Attention: At the Stralsund University, the partial scholarships are only assigned for 4 months in total. The scholarship-holders of a partial grant receive funding rates for the stay and/or the mobility.

Internship duration

Internship stays must be from a minimum of six weeks to a maximum of six months.

Internships that are funded by specific internship programs of the DAAD, cannot be funded with PROMOS. For further information click here.

Internships can also be funded between a Bachelor and Master study. A pre-registration for a Master study at a German university or any similiar document is required.

  • you are already enrolled at HOST
  • the stay abroad is planned within 2024
  • the stay abroad should take place from the 3rd semester (B.A.) or 2nd Semester (M.A.)
  • the duration of stay is between 1 to 4 months (study or internship)
  • sufficient language skills of the foreign language already have been acquired (certificate needed!)
  • the primary residence of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay
  • you have a German citizenship or are equal to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG (according to the law which can be found at:  or if you are
  • non-German students and university graduates, who are enrolled in a course of study at a German university with the aim of obtaining a degree or a doctorate at the German university, the homeland of the student is not equal to the planned country of stay. The home country is deemed to be the country in which the student has been predominantly resident for at least five years.
  1. Get informed!
  2. Find your internship
  3. Apply via our online application platform!
  4. Be patient, your application is being processed!
  5. Accept your PROMOS via the online application platform
  6. Return the signed scholarship agreement in original form
  7. Inform the study office about your stay abroad
  8. Travel and arrive safely in your host country!
  9. Send your "Confirmation of Arrival"
  10. Enjoy your stay abroad!
  11. Say goodbye and return home safely!
  12. Submit your "Confirmation of Departure
  13. Share your experience with others by submitting an experience report
  14.  Done! Now you can plan your next adventure or reminisce.

⇒ Here you can find a Checklist to print.



The following required application documents must be signed and completed before submitting them:

  • Online application form
  • Letter of motivation in German or English (look at Guidelines)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form in the language of the host country or in English 
  • complete language certificate of the required level at the partner institution (look at Please read the information sheet on language certificates carefully first! General valid language certificates, such as DAAD language certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, DELF etc. are accepted. For each language for which you need a DAAD language certificate, fill in the first page of the PDF form electronically and sign it digitally. Then send the completed and signed form electronically to the relevant teacher at the Language Centre, stating the semester in which you took the respective language course exam. There the form will be processed further and finally signed and stamped and sent back to you.)
  • Certificate of study (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
  • Proof of academic achievement at the home university (available in the QIS portal or in the relevant study office)
  • The contract with the internship institution


Selection Criteria

The selection is made by the following criteria:

Average grade (min. 2,5)

Obligatory semester

Relevant language skills


Social, cultural, societal engagement or work within the student self-administration


Award principle:

In accordance with the relevant DAAD guidelines, scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of the average grade. In addition, the following quota of distribution among the three faculties is applied: 80 per cent for the Faculty of Economics and 20 per cent for the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering combined. This quota takes into account the student numbers of the three faculties on the one hand and the usual faculty affiliation of the applicants on the other. This serves to give all students access to the very limited scholarships and at the same time to meet the demand.

The selection decision by the Internationalisation Commission is expected to be communicated to the applicants probably in February 2024.

General Information

Agencies for Internship Placement

Internship communicating institutions arrange paid or unpaid internships or stays abroad in various countries.

The working methods of the institutions are very similar. After the application and an appropriate selection procedure, experts plan and organize the stay abroad, from subject-specific internships to accommodation (usually in a host family) and travel.

As payment for their services, these organisations demand a sum of money, which varies according to the organisation, the target country and the duration of the stay.

Several Examples:

HoGaTourS GmbH – cost-free internship communicating institution
ABLE Spanish in Cordoba, Argentinia
Europäisch-Lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft e.V.
Praktikum in Afrika – Communicating institution in 14 countries of southern Africa
College Council – Study and work in english-speaking foreign countries
Lindenbaum Asien – Communicating institution with intercultural studies in Asia
NICE Praktikum - Network of InterCultural Exchange
Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft e.V. - USA-Interns
Euro Practicum - Practical Training Abroad and International Internships
Jobted – International job-hunting platform
studentsgoabroad – Internship communicating in foreign countries
Internships Ireland
IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
StepIn - Student Travel & Education Programmes International
Easy Culture - Internship in China
Europartnership Agency – Charged communicating institution Europe
Placement UK - European Student Placements
Internship UK
Internchina - international communicating institution for foreign students

Ahí – Praktikumsvermittlung nach Lateinamerika – Communicating internships in Latin America
Praktikawelten – voluntary work * work & travel * internships
Otra Cosa Network - Volunteer & internship communicating in Peru
Wegweiser Freiwilligenarbeit – Portal for voluntary work worldwide

Other funding possibilities

Below you will find possibilities for pure financial support and programmes with extra services (such as job placement, counselling service, etc.). 6 - 12 months of lead time is not unusual here. It is important that you inform yourself in good time and submit an application for funding.

Stipendien Nord- & Osteuropa
Haniel Stiftung
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Volkswagen Stiftung
Stiftung Mercator
Stipendium der mexikanischen Regierung
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
British Chevening Scheme Stipendium
Stipendium USA
Eidam & Partner

Contact Person

Christine Tokaji

Koordinatorin Outgoing


+49 3831 45 6539


126, Haus 1

Office Hours:

Office Hours: Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. & Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Online (by appointment):

Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Book an appointment

Further appointments and in urgent cases consultation on site by arrangement.