International Days 2025
International Days: HOSTs to the world
From 16 to 20 June 2025, our International Days will take place for the second time on the HOST campus. The first version in 2023 was a complete success with more than 20 partner universities from all over the world - watch the video above for a sneak peek.
Studying abroad within reach - we want to offer our partners and students this opportunity again this time in the form of five days of a full programme and a number of cooperation talks in the faculties!

The International Days – the international in-house exhibition of the HOST: 17th & 19th 2025
The exciting, inspiring and informative presentations of the partner universities from 2023 can be found here:
- Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB) - Brasilien
- Universidad de los Andes - Chile
- Panevezio Kolegija - State Higher Education Institution - Litauen
- The State University of Applied Sciences in Elbląg - Polen
- University of Dundee - Vereinigtes Königreich
- University Politehnica of Bucharest - Rumänien
- University of West Bohemia - Tschechien
- Zealand Academy of Technologies & Business - Dänemark
- Universidad Externado de Colombia - Kolumbien
International Event Point
The International Event-Point – Cultures Meet Here
Hello and welcome to the IEP!
At the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, we have many international students every semester. At the same time, many German students want to connect with other cultures. That’s where the IEP comes in – to bring together students from all countries and cultures, to learn, organize, and celebrate together!
The IEP offers events for every taste. From quite evenings like board game nights and excursions to action-packed events like laser tag, there is something for everyone.
Our goal is to offer something for every student at HOST. Whether you just want to have fun at one of our many events of even join our team – anyone who is open to other cultures and traditions is warmly welcomed at the International Event-Point.
Curious? Then visit us at one of our weekly meetings on Tuesday at 2 PM in House 21, Room 103.
Your IEP-Team
~Cultures Meet Here~

Instagram: internationaleventpoint
News & Events
We wish everyone good luck for their exams!
To those who are leaving with the end of the semester, we wish you a safe journey home and all the best for your future!
Check out our public IEP-Instagram page to see our latest events and news! And here is the Event-Calendar for the upcoming semester now!
International Network
Getting to know other cultures through a stay abroad as part of your studies, internship, professional activity or further training is an unforgettable and enriching experience. You can strengthen your professional, linguistic and intercultural skills and expand your professional and personal network. All this is definitely a plus for your CV - and a plus for your whole life!
Below you will find an overview of the Erasmus-Network at University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and the various Erasmus exchange opportunities for the different degree programmes of the three faculties. This way you can easily and quickly find information and plan your study abroad.