You would like to visit us at HOST - University of Apllied Sciences? We love to welcome groups and visitors from all over the world. On this page you find information that will help you planning and organizing the visit.
Information for DAAD study trips (and internships)
You would like to go on a study trip as a group and plan on having a short-termed stay at the HOST?
What is it about?
The DAAD promotes study trips and internships of foreign study groups under the guidance of academic staff in the federal republic of Germany from funds of the foreign office (15 participants + supervisor for 12 days maximum).
Goals of this funding:
- The establishment and maintenance of contacts between German and foreign universities, (expansion of international relationships of the HOST)
- The imparting of specialized knowledge by at least two university visits, distinct and specialized visits and informative conversations (study trips) […] by invitation of the German university […],
- Specialized meetings with German students and academic staff,
- The acquisition of an authentic insight into the scientific, political and cultural life in Germany […].
Scientific-related contact: The faculty
One or more professors of the particular faculties are contact persons for any scientific or specialized issues for the study group and plan the agenda and activities for the trip with the supervising lecturer. After the briefing about the agenda follows an official invitation that is necessary for the funding of the trip by the DAAD. During the visit the academic staff will be responsible for the scientific-related guidance of the group.
Administrative support: The International Office
Any not scientific/specialized guidance and consultation will be handled by the Incoming section of the International Office:
- Contact and consulting partner for the organisational procedure (for the group as well as for the supervisor)
- Support with formalities and deadlines
- Support with the arrival and accommodation of the group
- Framework programme for the group
Information for Guest lecturers
Three steps to a successful and pleasant stay as a guest lecturer at the HOST (valid for short-term and long-term lectureships)
Before the stay at the HOST
- Invitation by a professor / the faculty (specialised supervisor)
- Contents of the stay are to be discussed with a specialised supervisor
- Questions to information regarding the general and specific formalities the International Office will be the contact point (e.g. Mobility Agreement, responsible persons etc.)
- The International Office will also give support with issues regarding entry regulations, arrival and accommodation
During the stay at the HOST the International Office will be the contact for all organisational and administrative processes
- Support with visa regulations and dealing with public authorities
- Support and consultancy with formalities (e.g. Confirmation of Stay)
- Support with finding accommodation and arriving in Stralsund (if desired: pick-up service and key-service if the accommodation will be in the guesthouse)
- Welcome-package with information about the university and Stralsund; campus tour
- Event offering at the university and in the city
- Support for arriving families in cooperation with the university’s family centre
Before departure
- Presentation of the outcome of the stay
- Support with the organisation and coordination of the formalities before the departure (accommodation, deregistration, insurances etc.) by the International Office
- Consultancy for other promotion / funding possibilities after the stay, assistance with the search for other promotion possibilities by the International Office