Entrance examination for a Bachelor's programme

Even if you do not have a general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur), an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, a master craftsman, technician or business administrator qualification or an equivalent technical college or advanced training examination, we can help you into the degree programme. Why not apply for an entrance examination for a Bachelor's degree programme? Our student counselling service will help you.


- Completion of at least two years of vocational training
- At least three years of professional activity

Training and activity must have taken place in a professional field that is related to the intended degree programme.
Periods of child rearing and caring for family members can be credited towards professional activity for up to one year.

Further details are regulated by the examination regulations for the admission of professionals at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences: Admission examination regulations

Download information sheets on preparing for the entrance examination:
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Economics


01 August to 01 October (for the examination at the end of November/beginning of December)
01 February to 01 April (for the examination at the end of May/beginning of June)

All Bachelor's degree programmes with the exception of Business Administration can be started in the winter semester (01 September).

The following application documents are required:

  • Application for admission
  • Officially certified copy of school leaving certificate
  • Certificates of practical vocational training in officially certified copy
  • Proof of relevant professional activities in officially certified copies (only job references, no employment contracts!)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Current passport photo
  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • If applicable, proof of service, e.g. military or civilian service, FSJ, FÖJ (only for NC)
  • If applicable, child benefit certificate or other suitable proof of raising underage children (only for NC)

On the basis of the Fachhochschulgebührensatzung of 23 April 2010, a fee of € 100.00 is due for an entrance examination, payment of which must be proven by submitting the account statement for the examination. The account details will be communicated in the invitation to the examination.

The advancement scholarship from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - a scholarship for students with professional experience:

As a working student interested in studying, do you still need guidance in making your study decision?
The guide from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training provides tips for all universities and degree programmes.

Contact person

Anika Schude

Studierendensekretariat / Studienberaterin


+49 3831 45 6531


105, Haus 1