
Belgium - Robert Bosch

Navigating the Working student life: Fostering Growth Through Logistics and Accounting Coordination for an International Company

Alicia V., International Innovation Management, Belgium, Brussels, Robert Bosch, summer semester 2024

Embarking on an internship journey at Robert Bosch in Brussels was more than just a professional stint; it was a transformative experience that intertwined logistics and accounting coordination, laying a robust foundation for future endeavors and gave me the opportunity to start my full-time career.

Notes on Search for Internship

Seeking an internship opportunity melding my management skills developed during my studies was difficult. I decided  to expend my researches not only to project management offers but also to sales coordination opportunities. This offer in Logistics and sales coordination was the perfect match. I found out about it researching companies with a global footprint and known for their innovation which led to Robert Bosch and its operational excellence.

Application Process

Navigating through the application process involved tailoring resumes and cover letters to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Clear communication and demonstrating alignment with the company's values were crucial elements. In my opinion, my love for culture exchange also had an impact on my hiring.

Finding Accommodation

Securing accommodation in Brussels necessitated proactive research and networking. Luckily, a lot of groups exist online to make it easier seeking recommendations from peers and facilitated finding suitable living arrangements. I found a shared flat only 30 min walk from my work which make it easy for me to be spontaneous about my arrival time and stay healthy with a sustainable way of transportation.


Immersing in Brussels' multicultural environment enriched cultural understanding. I believe this is a city where everyone can feel home. In my team, we had four members during my stay, one Belgium, one Portuguese, one Turkish and myself being French. Embracing diversity and adapting to different customs fostered meaningful interactions with colleagues and the locals in my everyday life.

Daily Life

Balancing work commitments with exploration of Brussels' rich history, culinary delights, and vibrant arts scene defined daily life. My visits of parks, museums and other historically rich cities in Belgium kept me occupied all my weekends. I could also start working out at the gym provided by my workplace and it’s now became an habit I will keep. Since the work schedule is flexible, it was quite easy for me to keep a good work-life balance.


I embraced the opportunity to improve language proficiency, being working fully in English for the first time, it enhanced communication skills and facilitated deeper engagement with colleagues and locals. I also could keep training my German being surrounded with some German colleagues which was interesting for me after studying in Germany for two years.


The dynamic work environment at Robert Bosch fostered collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. I am the proof of this dynamic environment since I started in logistics only and developed a lot of different skills such as the accounting part which was all new to me.  Access to mentorship opportunities augmented the internship experience and made it possible to train me to a full-time employee level.

Internship: Work and Student life balance

The internship provided hands-on experience in logistics and accounting coordination, offering insights into real-world challenges and industry best practices. Collaborating with cross-functional teams and leveraging technological solutions were impacting to our projects success. Daily tasks involved developing a personal understanding of tasks and continuously striving to improve efficiency. On one side I kept my focus on short shipments (delivery not done on time) and analyzing delivery performance, this required coordination with multiple teams. This is an experience building up multiple of my skills, from social skills to organization ones. It also allows me to write my master thesis on this subject to have a deeper understanding of the delivery performance of the company and its influence. 

I also increased my knowledge in Power BI, Analysis for Excel, and discovered SAP to enhance analytical capabilities, facilitating data-driven decision-making and project management. Communication competencies were sharpened through regular interactions with colleagues, stakeholders, and team members, stimulating effective collaboration and relationship-building.

Tips & Tricks for the next students

  1. Embrace cultural diversity and be open to learning from different perspectives.
  2. Seek feedback and continuously strive for personal and professional growth.
  3. Explore Brussels and immerse yourself in its rich cultural tapestry.


My internship experience at Robert Bosch in Brussels was an enriching journey characterized by growth, learning, and cultural immersion. The fusion of logistics and sales coordination provided a holistic understanding of organizational dynamics, laying a solid groundwork for my future career. Aspiring interns embarking on similar journeys are encouraged to embrace challenges, catch opportunities, and cherish the invaluable experiences that await them.