Leisure and Tourism Management

Bachelor Program

The best of business and tourism with an international profile: The Bachelor's degree course in Leisure and Tourism Management, which is mainly taught in English, provides you with specialist knowledge and skills in the fields of tourism, leisure and foreign languages in a well-founded business tourism course. Both the fundamentals of business and tourism management as well as a variety of specialization options in the higher semesters will prepare you for the job market in a future-oriented and individual way.  

In order to do justice to the international business and tourism market, you will learn a second foreign language in addition to English: French, Swedish or Spanish. In addition, the compulsory semester abroad and internship semester as well as the opportunity to acquire an international double degree with selected partner universities are anchored in the standard period of study.

Here you can see where our students spend their internship semesters and seamlessly enter the global job market as marketing, consulting or human resources experts. From AIDA Cruises to adidas, DHL to DZT or Zalando to ZEIT Reisen, everything is possible. 

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Fact Sheet
Programm Leisure and Tourism Management (LTM)
School School of Business Studies
Starts in Winter semester
Admission non-restricted
Length of study 8 semesters
Credit points 240 ECTS
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Main language of instruction English (approx. 80%)/ German (approx. 20%)


  • Secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur or equivalent) or
  • College leaving certificate from a technical college (Fachhochschulreife or equivalent) or
  • Master’s certificate under the apprenticeship system (Meisterabschluss) or equivalent professional vocational training examination or
  • Entrance examination

Information for foreign applicants: Incoming

We are looking forward to your application for the winter semester from 24 May until 15 July 2025.

Link to Online Application

Deadlines for foreign applicants*: incoming

The next enrollment for university entrants (1st semester) starts in winter semester. You can probably apply for the winter semester from the mid of April.

Enrollment for summer semester is only possible for more advanced semesters (students changing degree programs or universities) with creditable achievements.

The application for the summer semester 2025 must have been received by the 28 February2025.

Link toOnline Application

Deadline for all non-EU applicants with foreign certificates: 30.11.2024. Please find more information here:incoming

Short Description

Discover the world? Work with people? Or maybe rather something to do with numbers? If you're wanting to pursue a career in the tourism and leisure sector, you will need a broad foundation. Apart from profound management competence, psychological, legal, geographical and of course language skills are needed. With its resolute international orientation and the combination of theory and practice, the bachelor program Leisure and Tourism Management at HOST offers you the best starting conditions in the leisure and tourism sector.

During your studies, you will learn all of the necessary skills from the cross-sections of leisure and tourism, business management and law, marketing, media and creativity, as well as accounting and languages. The course structure at a glance:

  • 1st - 4th semester: study phase
  • 5th - 6th semester: study phase: majors
  • 7th semester: main internship (21 weeks)
  • 8th semester: bachelor thesis

A period of stay abroad is compulsory and you can choose whether it should be a period of study or an internship. You can change the layout of the semesters to suit you best. We also offer the possibility to gain a double degree with selected partner universities abroad.

Where better to study tourism than in Stralsund, right by the sea and in a UNESCO World Heritage City?

A bachelor's degree in Tourism Management and the combination of Business Administration and Leisure and Tourism are the best prerequisites for an exciting course of study and a successful career start. Studying Leisure and Tourism Management at Hochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences Stralsund - means acquiring a broad portfolio of knowledge and skills in one of the most beautiful areas of Germany.

Program Management

Anne Christiansen in der Fakultät MB zum Fotoshooting.
Anne Christiansen in der Fakultät MB zum Fotoshooting.
Anne Christiansen in der Fakultät MB zum Fotoshooting.

Anne Christiansen

Praktikumsbeauftragte LTM und TDS, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Mitglied WPR


+49 3831 45 7000


129, Haus 1

General Student Advice Office

Christina Wanke



+49 3831 45 6513


117, Haus 1


Our Team for Leisure and Tourism Management.

Picture gallery


Goals and Career Prospects

Apart from gaining expert knowledge that is specific to the branch in the fields of management, leisure and tourism, you will receive broad training in business administration, which includes the teaching of accounting, marketing, project and HR management, statistics and corporate management.

Furthermore you will learn the essentials from the areas of geography, sociology and psychology, which are so important to the leisure and tourism industry.

We guarantee you a highly practice-oriented method of teaching, capitalising on our close contacts to players in the leisure and tourism industry and to exclusive cooperation partners and lecturers with years of practical experience.

As the majority of the program is taught in English, it helps to develop and train your language skills. By learning a further language, you also improve your chances for the international job market. This can be enhanced further by obtaining one of the optional double degrees.

Occupational Profiles

Teaching has been designed to provide you with language, subject and social skills. Special attention is given to the secure use of media and the training of the students' personality and creativity, to best prepare them for taking on responsible positions, not only at national and international travel agencies, tourism associations and organisations, but also in the event, sports, marketing or car industries and in all areas related to business administration.

Our graduates work in small, medium-sized and globally active companies. They are employed as event managers at home and abroad or work as project managers and consultants in advertising and marketing agencies.

You can also find our graduates in sales, key account and yield management positions at national and international travel agencies and companies. They have also found jobs in public relations and marketing at various tourism associations.

Some of our former students have set up their own companies or work as independent consultants in the tourism industry. Some of our alumni are currently working their way up in companies as trainees or have decided to do master's or MBA programs.

Program Structure


Full-time degree

What Kind of Study Type Are You?

Apart from having the opportunity to study the bachelor program Leisure and Tourism management as a full-time degree, the program can also be completed part-time. This way studying can be tailored flexibly to meet your personal demands for your family or job.

Dual Studies with In-Depth Practice

Learn more about the opportunities.

Double Degree

You have the opportunity to gain a double degree in cooperation with our partner universities. Please take note that every double degree agreement has its own conditions.

These universities have a double degree agreement with the Leisure and Tourism pragram at HOST:

University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandìa, Spain

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Montpellier, France

Program Organisation

Legal Provisions


Module Description

Learning Platforms


Login here with your user account.


IT Services

Further information about wifi, the printing service and more can be found here.


The Library supports you with the use, research and acquisition of media.

Studienbüro 4

Anne-Cathleen Klein

Sachbearbeiterin Studienbüro


+49 3831 45 6637


123, Haus 1

Excursions & more


National and international excursions are a special feature of the Leisure and Tourism Management program. They are offered in addition to the compulsory period of stay abroad and are part of the study phase.

Excursions serve the exchange of ideas and chats with service providers in the leisure and tourism industry. You get to know practical tasks and problem areas in tourism and gain an insight into various corporate sectors, both national and international.

During the excursions you can gauge the possibilities for internships, thesis topics and jobs and get introduced to valuable contacts in the industry. The best bit is that you get to use the knowledge you have gained during your studies at first hand.

The excursions bind the three competencies that the program aims to convey in a unique way: subject, social and language skills. Every excursion is a unique experience!

Our Practice Partners