With the guiding principle "Understanding practice - recognizing opportunities - shaping the future", the university has given itself an ambitious mission statement, which it has worked continuously to implement over the years. A further development of this mission statement is currently being prepared:
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences shows its unmistakable profile in the fields of computer science, technology, tourism and business. It offers practice-oriented teaching and research with a focus on interdisciplinarity, social relevance and professional application. The university climate is characterized by a trusting relationship between lecturers and students and the dedicated promotion of women's issues. Family-friendly study and working conditions facilitate the compatibility of studies, career and family and enable equal opportunities between members of the university with and without family responsibilities.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences flexibly meets the diverse challenges of higher education at the beginning of the 21st century. This is reflected in its innovative Bachelor's and Master's degree courses. In addition, it develops further education concepts for lifelong learning in line with the needs of the labor market.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences promotes internationalization to a high degree for academic cooperation in teaching and research. As the most north-eastern university in Germany, it feels particularly committed to its partners in the Baltic and Eastern European region.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences maintains intensive contacts with commercial enterprises and other national and international institutions. It sees itself as a driving force for the regional economy and as a partner for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Western Pomerania.