Mechanical Engineering

Master's Program

Congratulations on your bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering! But you can do even more. Put your skills to good use with the top-ranked Mechanical Engineering Master's degree program at Stralsund University.

The accredited master's degree program in mechanical engineering specializes in three areas:

  • Development and Production: modern methods of development/design and manufacturing/production. These include the CAD/CAM chain, high-performance machining and additive manufacturing (3D printing).
  • Vehicle technology: State-of-the-art design principles, drive systems and chassis technologies, as well as body designs with the greatest possible environmental protection in mind.
  • Regenerative energy technology: Integrates and combines the mechanical and electrical engineering competencies of regenerative energy technology. The aim here is to design energy conversion processes in such a way that a balance between energy demand and climate protection can be maintained.

And for those who are new to us: With a campus directly on the Baltic Sea, there is no shortage of fun in addition to studying!

Fact Sheet


Program Mechanical Engineering
School School of Mechanical Engineering
Starts in winter and summer term
Admission no admission restrictions (see requirements below)
Length of study 3 semesters
Creditpoints 90 ECTS
Degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Main language of instruction German (some courses in englisch)

Program Manager

Dekan der Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Dekan der Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Dekan der Fakultät für Maschinenbau

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Roy Keipke

Werkstofftechnik, Konstruktion | Praktikumsbeauftragter


+49 3831 45 6778


318, Haus 19

General Student Advice Office

Anne Miller



+49 3831 45 6532


118, Haus 1