Engineering and Management

Master's Program

The accredited and top-ranked Master's program in Industrial Engineering and Management offers excellent opportunities to expand your personal strengths and also prepare for leadership roles. Building on your first professional degree, you will acquire both in-depth theoretical and application-oriented expertise in this degree program. You will hone your practical skills and thus develop your professional competencies.

And for those who are new to us: With a campus directly on the Baltic Sea, there is no shortage of fun in addition to studying!

Fact Sheet


Program Engineering and Management
School School of Mechanical Engineering
Starts in winter and summer term
Admission no admission restrictions (see requirements)
Creditpoints 90 ECTS
Degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Main language of instruction German

Program Manager

Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Jürgen Breitschuh

Management und Marketing


+49 3831 45 6925


326, Haus 19

General Student Advice Office

Anne Miller



+49 3831 45 6532


118, Haus 1