Student Council ETI
The student council represents the students' interests towards the university or the faculty. In contrast to the AStA or the StuPa, we usually know your concrete problems very well; after all, we study the same as you!
In addition, we help students of the Faculty of ETI with problems related to their studies, whether exam questions or general problems.
We also organize several events for and with students, especially the regular boardgame afternoons, PowerPoint karaoke and the annual Christmas party. We also run a plotter service and are always there when you need us.
If you have any questions, just send us an email at:
fachschaft.eti(at)hochschule-stralsund(dot)de or meet us in person at H4/R119
Next Events
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Meeting Dates
Every second Monday at 19:10 o'clock in House 4/ Lecture Hall 6 and online (link via e-mail)