Hochschule Stralsund – University of Applied Sciences

Stralsund University of Applied Sciences is a young and innovative campus university with a technical and economic profile. Future-oriented degree courses, strong cooperation with companies and an excellent student-to-staff ratio offer around 1,800 students the ideal conditions for successful studies and a promising career start. The university attracts attention with excellent research and contemporary teaching in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering and economics.

Welcome to HOST

What to study? And where to study? Not easy questions. Only you can answer the question of what to study.
We can help you answer the question of where to study: at Hochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences.

Living in Stralsund

You want to study in Stralsund?
Great, good decision!
We'll be happy to help you find the right accommodation with first-hand tips from our students. Inexpensive, stylish, close to the water - that's possible in Stralsund!

Applying to HOST

Video background for the "How to apply to the university" video

If you have a German university entrance qualification, you can apply in the
online application portal.
Everything goes online here! Watch this video to find out briefly and concisely how the application process works.


Die HOST ist Teil der Europäischen Universität EUNICoast. Hier stellen wir jeden Monat einen Partner aus der Allianz vor.

Ein Raum voller Menschen mit Blick auf einen Referenten und eine weiße Präsentationsfläche

Hansestadt und Hochschule werden für ihre Ambition und die gemeinsame Roadmap, um die Region positiv zu gestalten, vom Stifterverband gefördert.

Eine Gruppe vorwiegend junger Menschen hält ein Banner mit Raketen-Logos darauf und posiert für das Foto.

Exkursion von Sundspace fördert fachlichen Austausch. Professoraler Betreuer Prof. Jan-Christian Kuhr plant weitere Zusammenarbeit.

Current numbers

Symbols and figures for graduates, students, nationalities, distance to the beach and electricity generated on campus