Occupational safety, health and environmental protection
Welcome to the website of the Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Unit at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences.
The staff unit reports directly to the university management and is headed by a safety engineer. She is the contact person for all matters relating to occupational safety, health and environmental protection, fire protection and structural and technical safety.
The main tasks for this area are
Advising the university management and those responsible for occupational health and safety and accident prevention, in particular with regard to the planning, execution and maintenance of operating facilities and social facilities, the procurement of technical equipment and the introduction of working procedures and materials, the design of workplaces, work processes and the working environment
Monitoring occupational health and safety and accident prevention, i.e. inspecting workplaces at regular intervals. Forwarding any deficiencies identified to the employer and other persons responsible for occupational health and safety/accident prevention
Safety-related inspection of operating facilities and technical work equipment, particularly before commissioning, and of work procedures, particularly before their introduction.