Further information
Students have to inform the Students Support Centre (Mr. Karsten Mau) about their internship semester and we would like to have some information about your internship semester. (Please inform Mrs. Stefanie Wenzel.)
Internship Professor for BMS:
Prof. Dr.Axel Noack
Internship coordinator of the Hochschule Stralsund:
Eva-Maria Mertens
International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS)
Curriculum für Studierende, die bis zum WS21/22 eingeschrieben wurden.
Business Management
This course lays the basis for further business studies. It introduces the main concepts of business management, the most important economic principles, the political, economic, social, and cultural environments in which companies operate, and the main management functions. The course on organisation provides an understanding of the most important aspects of organisation and theoretical approaches to deal with them. Topics include organisational structures, centralisation and decentralisation, single-line systems, multi-line systems, functional organisation, divisional organisation, and matrix organisation.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB1000
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Intercultural Management
Why does it take so long for a Swedish business partner to decide?
This is a relatively simple question - and there is also, of course, an explanation for this. This explanation is to be found in the Swedish culture. Culture - not the visible part such as arts or architecture, but the invisible part such as attitudes and beliefs - shapes how people conduct business in different countries or regions. No one can know all the specific cultural aspects of a country to consider, but there are some tools to detect and understand them.
In this course, we will understand how to identify and react to different business cultures appropriately and efficiently. And, of course, you will be able to test your newly acquired knowledge in project work - experiencing that working with different cultures is not that easy.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module-Code: BMSIB1100
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Presentation & Writing Skills
The ability to present the results of one’s work adequately both orally and in written form, is an essential prerequisite for meeting the requirements of the course of study and of students’ careers.
The core learning objective is your understanding that successful communication puts the audience, its values and needs in the centre. You will learn to analyse situations and choose rhetorical and linguistic tools appropriately. All theoretical insights will be practised extensively.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Natasch Loebnitz
Module code: BMSIB1200
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Cost Accounting
To understand and use accounting information is an important ingredient of any business undertaking and vital to make sophisticated decisions. The module “Cost Accounting“ delivers the basic approaches for understanding financial and managerial accounting figures und the corresponding processes. The gained theoretical knowledge is being applied in tasks close to reality and case studies. Students learn how decisions influence profitability and liquidity and as a result the success of businesses.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB1300
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Basics of Business Law
Students get fundamental knowledge of German and European Business Law. This means primarily the Constitutional and European Basis, the division between Public Law and Private Law, the Sources of Law, the Basic Principles of State, Basic Rights and the Basics of European Law including the Organization of the EU and the Fundamental Freedoms. It aims to give structure and systematical understanding of the Basics of Business Law. The students develop the ability to solve practical cases with the so-called method of claims (Anspruchsmethode) and learn to solve a legal problem in a systematical way. The students should be able to work in the field of contract requirements and defects of contract, a core chapter for much litigation in business. The course helps to get a better understanding of further Law courses during the studies.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Piroutek
Module code: BMSIB1400
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language I (A1 of CEFR)
In diesem Sprachmodul erwerben Sie Grundkenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Basierend auf der Vermittlung von relevantem Wortschatz und grundlegender Grammatik trainieren und erweitern Sie systematisch Ihre Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken bauen Sie alltagsorientierte kommunikative Kompetenz in der zweiten Fremdsprache auf.
Damit legen Sie Grundlagen für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
Module code: BMSIB1500
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Language: BMSIB1510 German as a Foreign Language I or BMSIB1520 Norwegian I or BMSIB1530 Polish I or BMSIB1540 Russian I or BMSIB1550 Swedish I
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Principles of Economics
This module will present and discuss traditional macroeconomic principles and tools and their applications in the age of sustainable development and the wave of globalization. This module equips you with an essential understanding for the workings of economies, for the interaction of the central players of individual markets, supply & demand (Microeconomics) The module is supported by additional material on current issues (newspaper articles, and current affairs programmes) you will deepen essential knowledge about the interplay of economic actors on national and international levels and on policies directed at guiding and supporting current economic systems.
You will be required to apply the knowledge gained to current issues of national and international economic decisions, present your results in class and defend your position.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Module code: BMSIB1600
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Efficient and effective logistics and supply chains are essential to the economy and society as a whole. The logistics sector employs millions of people across the world. Students will learn the essentials of logistics and supply chain management and learn basic supply chain principles, before expanding this perspective on the impact and influence of global supply chains.
Global supply chains can also have a high environmental cost, global freight transport doubled in terms of volume during the last decade and will continue to grow rapidly for many years to come. This leads to congestion on the road and rail networks, delays at sea and airports and accelerated pressures on transport infrastructures. In this module students will explore some of the main changes which can be made in supply chains to improve environmental stewardship, reduce damage and ensure that sourcing, manufacturing and distributing products are done in a sustainable way.
This module also include tools and techniques for logistics which can help to mitigate these effects with a number of policy and operational measures that improve the efficiency of energy consumption and emissions of freight vehicles and contribute to the overall efficiency of supply chains.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Module code: BMSIB1700
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Mathematics / Statistics
Developed skills in mathematical thinking help to systematically solve problems also out of the domain of mathematics. In working life, these skills are important to make management decisions with respect to their future consequences.
The lecture covers basic mathematical techniques with a focus on business applications such as linear equations, financial mathematics and basics of data analysis such as descriptive measures and data visualization and dependency between variables as well as an introduction to matrices.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gero Szepannek
Module code: BMSIB1800
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Project Management
What do the latest Volvo model, IKEA's range of kötbullar, and the annual Baltic Sea Forum in Stralsund have in common?
The answer is simple: They are all created using basic project management principles. Increasingly companies and organisations worldwide use the project management approach to develop new products, develop new service concepts, organise events or create new infrastructures like airports or opera houses. Such projects are typically performed under time pressure, using tight budgets and with great expectations.
In this module, you will learn how to set up, manage, and deliver a successful project using standard project management tools. And, of course, you will have a chance to apply your knowledge in a real project environment.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB1900
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
International Law
This course attempts to give an insight into the legal foundation of European and International law. Students will have a basic understanding of the relevant regulations in an international context. The course provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and the theoretical aspects of running business in the framework of International and European law, including constitutional and free market principles. The lectures explain legal relationships between contract parties in cross-border cases as well as the legal foundation of the work of international and supranational organisations. The participants of the module will have a better understanding of the legal questions regarding cross-border transactions and of the functioning of International and European Organisations and their legal basis.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ciarán Burke (external lecturer)
Module code: BMSIB2000
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language II (A1 / A2 of CEFR)
In diesem Sprachmodul erwerben Sie Grundkenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Basierend auf der Vermittlung von relevantem Wortschatz und grundlegender Grammatik trainieren und erweitern Sie systematisch Ihre Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken bauen Sie alltagsorientierte kommunikative Kompetenz in der zweiten Fremdsprache auf.
Damit legen Sie Grundlagen für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
Module code: BMSIB2100
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Language: BMSIB2110 German as a Foreign Language II or BMSIB2120 Norwegian II or BMSIB2130 Polish II or BMSIB2140 Russian II or BMSBI2150 Swedish II
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Corporate Finance
“Corporate Finance” is the area of finance dealing with monetary decisions business enterprises make and the tools and analyses used to make these decisions. The module delivers the basic approaches for the understanding of figures, numerical data and the calculation basis to determine the efficiency of investments and tools of financing. The theoretical knowledge is being applied in tasks close to reality, case studies and every day information in the financial news. Students learn how decisions influence profitability and liquidity and as a result the success of business decisions.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB2200
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Financial Markets and Institutions
Financial markets finance much of the expenditures by corporations, governments, and individuals while financial institutions are important intermediaries in financial markets. In the class “International Financial Markets and Institutions” students learn the complex world of international finance and the use of financial markets mainly for the use of financing international activities of non-bank corporates and to a limited extent for investing excess cash. The gained theoretical knowledge is being applied in tasks close to reality and case studies. By the mix of theory and reality, students learn to analyse real situations by using and validating theoretical concepts in different business situations.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB2300
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Introduction to Marketing
Introduction to Basic Marketing aims at providing the theory of marketing as a whole. It lays the foundation for the discussions of specific marketing problems. There will be an introduction to the basic methods used in marketing management and understanding the function of marketing within a company both, from strategic and operational view. Further a business game will be held to show the interdependency of marketing instruments. Case studies and the business games will challenge the students to make decisions within the marketing management process.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Matthias Langguth
Module code: BMSIB2400
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
SAP Business Computing
Information technology permeates all areas of business and modern companies. Most of these companies use Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP System) to plan and track their business resources and the status of their business commitments. ERP systems provide an integrated, homogeneous application system supporting the core business processes using common databases.
You will become familiar with the objectives and functionality of standard business software in the area of Enterprise Resource Planning. And you will gain practical experience in using the market leading ERP system SAP ERP to support selected business processes. These are processes in Sales and Distribution, Material Management, Controlling and Human Resources.
In the next step, enterprises need to analyze and present data originating from such ERP systems to be able to make skilled decisions. You will acquire practical reporting and visualization knowledge using state-of-the-art tools. Here, the rules of International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) will enable you to design professional and effective reports.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Petra Strauch / Prof. Dr. Knut Verbarg
Module code: BMSIB2500
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Analytical Statistics
„I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. … The ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.” (Hal Varian, Chief Economist Google, In: The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009)
The lecture on statistics covers the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical inference, i.e. how data can be transferred into knowledge. Further, visualization techniques are presented that can be used for management presentations.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gero Szepannek
Module code: BMSIB2600
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language III (A2 / B1 of CEFR)
In diesem Sprachmodul erweitern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Aufbauend auf den Modulen „2nd Foreign Language I und 2nd Foreign Language II“ und den dort erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben konsolidieren Sie Ihre kommunikative Kompetenz und erweitern systematisch Ihren Wortschatz.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken sowie mit Originalmaterialien erwerben Sie zusätzliche Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
Module code: BMSIB2700
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Language: BMSIB2710 German as a Foreign Language III or BMSIB2720 Norwegian III or BMSIB2730 Polish III or BMSIB2740 Russian III or BMSIB2750 Swedish III
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Comparative Country Studies
This module teaches background knowledge on which the special modules of later semesters build. Students are provided with a broad understanding of the political and economic history of the region and its interplay with the current trends of development of the Baltic Sea region as a whole as well as with the peculiarities of the individual countries.
In the second part of the module, chosen aspects (e.g. works of art, literature, education) are dealt with in more depth. All students specialise in one country of their choice from their target region.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Module code: BMSIB2800
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
International Risk Management
To succeed in today’s world, corporations need to manage their business risks. In the module “International Risk Management” students learn to identify, assess, and measure risks. And with the help of advanced financial tools develop countermeasures to mitigate different international business risks. Students learn the complex world of international risk management and the use of advanced financial tools such as options and futures to mitigate the business risks different types of corporation face. The gained theoretical knowledge is applied in case studies and analyses of the reality on international financial markets. Thereby students learn to understand the problems, chances and risks in international business.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB2900
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Human Resource Management
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Johanna Kunath (external lecturer)
Module code: BMSIB3000
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
International Marketing
This module provides the necessary theoretical background in the field of international marketing with a particular focus on the international marketing environment, the most important cultural influences, and ways of dealing with them. This knowdledge is applied to practical examples that illustrate how companies can address customers in multiples markets and communicate with them effectively. Students work on projects that provide first-hand experience of how this theory is applied to practice.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB3100
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Introduction to Trade
Nobody thinks that Germany should grow its own bananas. People believe that some international trade is beneficial, however, people are skeptical about trade in goods that a country can produce itself. Should Germans buy German goods to support keeping and creating jobs in Germany? If you would like to explore these topics in more depth, welcome to this course.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Module code: BMSIB3200
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
2nd Foreign Language IV (A2+ / B1+ of CEFR)
In diesem Sprachmodul erweitern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in der von Ihnen gewählten zweiten Fremdsprache. Aufbauend auf den Modulen „2nd Foreign Language I und 2nd Foreign Language II“ und den dort erworbenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten in verstehendem Hören und Lesen sowie Sprechen und Schreiben konsolidieren Sie Ihre kommunikative Kompetenz und erweitern systematisch Ihren Wortschatz.
Mit modernen praxisorientierten Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsmethoden und aktuellen Lehrwerken sowie mit Originalmaterialien erwerben Sie zusätzliche Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten für Praktika, Studien und Arbeit im jeweiligen Land.
Module code: BMSIB3300
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Language: BMSIB3310 German as a Foreign Language IV or BMSIB3320 Norwegian IV or BMSIB3330 Polish IV or BMSIB3340 Russian IV or BMSIB3350 Swedish IV
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Major: Management
BMSIB4000 Lean Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB4200 International Market Access Approaches (Management and Innovation)
Lecturer: N.N.
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB4310 Innovation Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
BMSIB4400 Sustainability Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: Finance and Trade
BMSIB5100 Asset Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB5400 Developing Countries in International Trade / Trade in specific International Markets
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB5500 International Trade - Advanced Tools
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: Marketing
BMSIB6000 Applied International Marketing
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB62000 Intercultural Media Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB64000 International Market Access Approaches (Markets and Communication)
Lecturer: N.N.
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: German Business
BMSIB7000 Grundzüge der Unternehmensbesteuerung
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Heiner Richter
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB7200 Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht I
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Danker
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB7400 Privates Wirtschaftsrecht I
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Piroutek
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: Management
BMSIB4100 International Human Resource Management and Psychology for Managers
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4110 International Human Resource Management
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
Lecturer: Charlotte Jacobsen (external lecturer)
Module code: BMSIB4120 Psychology for Managers
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
BMSIB4320 Idea Generation & Assessment
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
BMSIB4500 Future Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: Finance and Trade
BMSIB5000 Merger & Acquisitions
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB5200 Managing Value - Business Plan
(BMSIB5210 Strategic Planung | BMSIB5220 Technical Planning)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB5300 Investment Stragegies / Trade in the Baltic Sea Region
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Major: Marketing
BMSIB6100 E-Marketing
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB6300 Business Plan
(BMSIB6310 Strategic Planung | BMSIB6320 Technical Planning)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB6500 Social Media
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB6510 Social Media Marketing
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jaminko Novak
Module code: BMSIB6520 Social Media Analytics
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
Major: German Business
BMSIB7100 International Steuerplanung
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Beate Sieven
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB7300 Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht II
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Danker
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
BMSIB7500 Privates Wirtschaftsrecht II
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Piroutek
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Practical Insights
Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Stockholm, St. Petersburg ...
This module covers the mandatory national and international excursions. Although, this module is linked to the 8th semester students from the 2nd to the 8th semester are welcome to participate in the national and interantional excursions.
In recent years national excursions were offered to Berlin and Frankfurt visiting companies and organizations in various industries. The national excursion is primarily offered in the 2nd block week of the winter semester - exceptions apply, so please contact your study coordinator well in advance.
International excursions are primarily offered in the Baltic Sea Region. In recent years they were offered to places such as Copenhagen, Malmö, Stockholm or St. Petersburg. In addition we frequently offer an excursion to Brussels with a focus on European Union organizations. The international excursion is primarily offered in the 2nd block week of the summer smester - exceptions apply, so please contact your study coordinator well in advance.
Details of past excursions can be found here (BITTE LINK EINFÜGEN!)
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Workload: 4 SWS / 5 ECTS-Points
Module-Code: BMSIB3600
Applied Project Management
This module prepares students for the organisation of further events. Students learn to interact with other stakeholders in event organisation within their university.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Workload: 2 SWS / 5 ECTS-Points
Module-Code: BMSIB3700
Scientific Circle for Bachelor Thesis
Students show that – on the basis of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during their studies – they are able to independently resolve a scientifically and commercially relevant problem by studying the facts, providing new insights, drawing conclusions and giving recommendations.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Workload: 5 ECTS-Points
Module-Code: BMSIB3800
Bachelor Thesis
The module is the final element of the studies, with students having to bring together all theoretical and practical skills gained in the course of 7 semesters.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Workload: 12 ECTS-Points
Module-Code: BMSIB3900
Die zugeordneten ECTS-Punkte (European Credit Transfer System) spiegeln den Arbeitsaufwand für das jeweilige Modul wieder (1 ECTS-Punkt entspricht etwa 30 Arbeitsstunden). ETCS dienen der Vergleichbarkeit und Anerkennung von Studienleistungen etwa bei einem Wechsel des Studienortes.
Die Semester-Wochenstunden (SWS) bezeichnen die wöchentliche Präsenzdauer einer Lehrveranstaltung. Dabei sprechen wir von 1 Einheit = 2 SWS = 90 Zeitminuten.
Studienschwerpunkte (Majors - Wahlpflichtfächer) im 5. und 6. Semester
Lean Management
Did you ever asked yourself why some companies are more successful than others?
Of course every company pretends to have found the “secret formula” for success. Reality has shown that a major contributor to success is the standardization of processes resulting in quality products and services which the customers are prepared to a pay a premium for. This “secret formula” has initially been applied in the Japanese automotive industry decades ago and has since become a standard for companies around the globe.
In this module we will look at success criteria of companies, the role of quality and how to organize your company in a way to minimize waste. We will apply some of the findings and tools to get a better understanding of the lean management principle.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4000
Contact hours & ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Intern. Market Access Approaches
How to sell your products and services abroad?
Selling products and services is not an easy task. It becomes even more challenging when you want to sell them internationally. You need to find out if there is a demand for your products and services in the foreign market at all, establish the best way of reaching your international customers and possibly even modify your products to meet your international customer’s requirements. To do so you will need to research international markets, make strategic decisions on which markets to address and finally plan your market entry.
In this course we will mainly look at the practical aspects of developing international markets starting with a screening of markets and ending with a decision which markets promise to be most promising.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: N.N.
Module code: BMSIB4200
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Innovation Management
Do you like to play with LEGO bricks?
If so, this course might be for you. In innovation management we try to identify, manage and successfully create new products and services. This can be fun but is also a demanding task since innovations need to managed as everything else in a company. While at first sight this might look like a creative process, there are also established tools and processes which need to be applied to make a great idea a business success.
In this course we will learn about methods and tools to be applied in innovation management and will put a specific focus on a creativity technique which has been successfully used in innovation management, called LEGO Serious Play. So you will be able to apply your LEGO capabilities to this course.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4310 Innovation Management
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
We are offer the 2nd Part BMSIB4320 Idea Generation & Assessment in each summer semester.
Sustainability Management
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business" (Henry Ford)
In sustainability management we take a holistic approach to management - considering the economic, ecological and social effects of our production and service delivery. Once considered a niche subject, sustainability has become a major business driver. Think of whole industries like automotive now gearing up to bring e-mobility to the market or individual companies like Body Shop offering sustainable products.
In this module we will address the different aspects of sustainability and how we can use them to create more successful products, services and whole organizations. We will learn about systems to measure the sustainable approaches of companies and organizations.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4400
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Asset Management
The module “Asset Management” enables students to understand how wealth is managed and what techniques can be used for investment decisions. As a key valuation technique relative valuation will be introduces. The students will gain an understanding of international capital markets, their chances and risks as a place for financial investments and fundamental knowledge in portfolio theory. After a short introduction into the theory and reality of international capital markets, portfolio theory and asset management the students build their own portfolios. Thereby the students learn to use international capital markets for investing. They learn about chances and risks and how to compare and judge different assets classes.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB5100
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Trade in specific Markets
Global food demand will increase in coming decades, mainly in response to rapidly growing income in emerging and developing countries. China's crude oil imports increases tremendously and reaches the second-highest level in the world. What are the driving in specific markets? Who are involved in the regulation of those markets? What is the importance of emerging markets in today‘s world? We will discuss these and other interesting issues within this course.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel
Module code: BMSIB5400
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
International Trade, Advanced Tools
When we decide to make our business global, we need to master our practical skills and capabilities. Students will therefore tackle the complex issues faced by personnel currently involved in international commerce. Using the tools and knowledge provided in this course, students will suggest the best solutions and possible outcomes for each step of the trade process. The module is supported by additional material on current issues (newspaper articles, and current affairs programmes).
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy
Module code: BMSIB5500
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Applied International Marketing
This module builds on the basic theories of international marketing and offers the opportunity to gain the necessary practical skills to become operational in an international marketing environment. In particular, students work on an international marketing plan that takes them through the essential steps of consumer analysis, market analysis, competition analysis, market access and distribution decisions as well as the development of a marketing mix. In working on their project, students also become confident in communicating international marketing topics effectively.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB6000
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Intercultural Media Analysis
This module illustrates how companies deal with the challenges faced when they use advertising and other communication media in an international environment. It builds on a sound understanding of the communication process and how it is influenced by cultural differences. On the basis of this understanding, various practical approaches are studied that illustrate how strategies can be developed and implemented that assure a high level of effectiveness in such a challenging environment.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB6200
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Intern. Market Access Approaches
How to sell your products and services abroad?
Selling products and services is not an easy task. It becomes even more challenging when you want to sell them internationally. You need to find out if there is a demand for your products and services in the foreign market at all, establish the best way of reaching your international customers and possibly even modify your products to meet your international customer’s requirements. To do so you will need to research international markets, make strategic decisions on which markets to address and finally plan your market entry.
In this course we will mainly look at the practical aspects of developing international markets starting with a screening of markets and ending with a decision which markets promise to be most promising.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: N.N.
Module code: BMSIB6400
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Grundzüge der Unternehmensbesteuerung
In dem Kurs lernen Sie an einfachen Praxisfällen die Grundlagen der Einkommen-, Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer als wichtige Ertragsteuern zu verstehen sowie auch deren Zusammenhänge. Sie erkennen, was die Steuern so vielschichtig macht, welche Rückwirkungen untereinander und welche Schnittstellen der Unternehmensbesteuerung zu weiteren Bereichen Ihres Studiums existieren, beispielsweise zu Bilanzierungsfragen oder zu Rechtsproblemen in Europa und international.
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Heiner Richter
Module code: BMSIB7000
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht I
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Danker
Module code: BMSIB7200
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Privates Wirtschaftsrecht I
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Pitoutek
Module code: BMSIB7400
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
International HRM and Psychology
Lecture: International Human Resource Management
Does money motivate people?
In this course we will address the principles of successful management and leadership and apply them in an international environment. One key question in this context is how to motive employees? As we will see there a fundamental differences across countries and even regions on how to motive staff. We analyze why this is the case and how a manager can react to different expectations.
This module builds on the knowledge you acquired in the Intercultural Management module. Using your knowledge you will work on different case studies to identify the specifics of managing teams and individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4110
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
Lecture: Psychology for Managers
In this sub-module you will acquire a basic understanding of the science of psychology, of the different approaches developed in the course of history, the interplay between reason and emotion, between consciousness and sub-consciousness, between group and individual(s). Human typology, psychological aspects of leadership, and the road and obstacles to peak performance will be further aspects covered.
The discussion of theory/theories is accompanied by numerous experiments.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Charlotte Jacobsen (external lecturer)
Module code: BMSIB4120
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 2 ECTS points
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Future Management
„I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” (Thomas Watson, President of IBM, 1943)
Well, predicting the future is a complicate task. That is one reason why astrologers remain as vague as possible in their forecasts. However in management, especially when working with new products and services we need to find a way to anticipate future demand or even create such a demand. We need to develop an understanding of the future or our business is at risk to fail - think of Nokia having missed the smart phone technology or SAAB cars having missed consumer preferences in the automotive industry.
In this module we will work with trend reports, trend predictions and technology magazines to create a possible of picture of the future. We will use tools which will help to organize information of future developments and build a trend radar.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4500
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Innovation Management
Are you a creative person?
To be honest, every one of us is creative and in this course, we will learn how to manage this creativity to create product and service innovations. Creativity is based on four main skills, that is curiosity, creativity itself, risk-taking and collaboration. We will have a look at all of them. But creativity is only one ingredient to successful innovations. Therefore, this course will also address how to turn ideas into a profitable business. To do so, we will also address business model creation. And of course, we are using your Design Thinking skills from the course “Introduction to Innovation Management” (Basics).
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Module code: BMSIB4320 Idea Generation & Assessment
Contact hours & ECTS points: 2 hours / 3 ECTS points
We are offer the 1st Part BMSIB4310 Innovation Management in each winter semester.
Mergers & Acquisitions
The “Mergers & Acquisitions” (M&A) class provides an introduction of the M&A process and the pros and cons for companies doing M&A. It also offers an in depth understanding of the Discounted Cash Flow Analysis as a tool to value companies. The students learn how to structure an M&A process and how to value companies. After an introduction to the theory of the M&A process and Discounted Cash Flow valuation the students develop their own M&A case by valuing a target company and estimating synergies from the combination of Target & Buyer. Supported by current M&A transactions the students learn to evaluate different elements of the M&A process and the drivers which influence such a process. They learn about chances and risks of business combinations and how to value different companies.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB5000
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Managing Value - Business Plan
The module builds on the knowledge acquired in previous studies in all relevant fields, ranging from research, planning, marketing, personnel, management, organization, to cost accounting and financing. By applying the acquired skills to a practical example, students are encouraged to see the interrelatedness and the interdependencies between all the subjects. By modelling from scratch a professional business plan in a real-life scenario previous theoretical knowledge should be transferred firmly to practical skills. Students have to come to terms with situations where they have to make decisions with limited resources and information but still plan a future path that leads to sound business development.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Marcus Scheibel
Module code: BMSIB5200
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Investment Strategies / Trade in the BSR
Nowadays, flows of financial assets has outpaced the trade in goods and services. At first glance, the idea of investing internationally seems to be very attractive and exiting, promising a lot of benefits. However, the risks and constraints must not be overlooked. Would you like to know what are the driving forces and motivations to engage in international investments, or what dangers are expecting you in your investment journey abroad? Then welcome to this course.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel
Module code: BMSIB5300
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
This module deals with the innovations that have been brought about to marketing by the internet. It provides an understanding of current trends and adresses basic questions companies are faced with, in particular how to design and implement an online presence, how to be found on the internet, how to earn money online, and how to deal with customers and other groups online. Students can apply this knowledge to practical examples by working on a project that deepens their insights how the possibilities provided by rapid technological progress are used in practice.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB6100
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Business Plan
The module covers all the steps necessary to turn a business idea into an actionable plan. These can be start-up situations but also within the context of existing operations.
Students learn how to research and define all the necessary parameters that have to be understood to arrive at a coherent project: the product, the customer, the competition, the team, the partners plus some additional dimensions. Emphasis is placed on understanding the plan as a coherent whole of interrelated parts. Practical skills to communicate the plan effectively are also essential part of this module.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack
Module code: BMSIB6300
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Social Media
This module illustrates how social media have quickly become an essential part of peoples´ lives, and how companies can use these new channels to communicate with customers and other target groups. Understanding the theoretical background and the processes involved enables students to effectively use social media as part of a complete communication mix.
Knowing how social media activities and their performance can be monitored, analyzed and measured has become a key skill for devising and applying social media strategies in an effective, goal-directed manner. This course introduces selected methods and instruments for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of social media strategies and activities, analysing and deriving insights from social media interactions. The course involves practical case studies and a hands-on exercise with a selected tool for social media analytics.
For more details, please refer to the complete module description.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Axel Noack / Prof. Dr. Jaminko Novak
Module code: BMSIB6500 Social Media
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Internationale Steuerplanung
Was verbirgt sich hinter einem Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen, Treaty Shopping, weißen Einkünften oder dem Dealing-at-arm´s-length-Prinzip? In dieser Veranstaltung bekommen Studierende einen Einblick in die Mechanismen der internationalen Unternehmensbesteuerung, insbesondere in die Steuerplanung grenzüberschreitender Sachverhalte. Durch praxisnahe Fallgestaltungen des Internationalen Steuerrechts werden die bisherigen Fähigkeiten in der nationalen Unternehmensbesteuerung vertieft und erweitert sowie ein exemplarischer Einblick in relevantes Ländersteuerrecht gegeben. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Anwendung der Methoden zur Vermeidung einer internationalen Doppelbesteuerung und deren Auswirkung auf grenzüberschreitendes Engagement der Steuerpflichtigen.
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Beate Sieven
Module code: BMSIB7100
Contact hours / ECTS points: 2 hours / 5 ECTS points
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht II
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Claudia Danker
Module code: BMSIB7300
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Privates Wirtschaftsrecht II
Weitere Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Piroutek
Module code: BMSIB7500
Contact hours / ECTS points: 4 hours / 5 ECTS points
Durch die Wahl der Studienschwerpunkte, im 5. und 6. Semester, können die Studierenden ihr berufliches Profil deutlich schärfen.
Aus den vier Studienschwerpunkten müssen die Studierenden bis spätestens 15. April des vierten Semesters mindestens 6 Majors im 5. Fachsemester und mindestens 6 Majors im 6. Fachsemester wählen. Studierende können Studienschwerpunkte aus dem angebotenen Katalog auswählen. Wenn die Studierenden einen oder mehrere Studienschwerpunkt/e auf dem Zeugnis ausgewiesen haben möchten, müssen die Studierenden aus diesem Studienschwerpunkt mindestens 5 Majors belegen.
In der links stehenden Tabelle sind die Studienschwerpunkte (Majors) farblich gekennzeichnet.
Im 7. Fachsemester ist das praktische Studiensemester (Internship semester) verankert.
General Information:
- Duration: at least 20 weeks
- Either the practical semester or a study semester has to be spent abroad, but we appreciate both semester abroad very much!
- 7th semester
- Acknowledgement of the internship semester after the Evaluation
- Search and application for an internship: average: 1 year
- Support:
- Eva-Maria Mertens (house 1, room 235)
- Prof. Dr. Eileen Murphy (Praktikumsprofessorin BMS) or Ms. Stefanie Wenzel
All important information at a glance.
Financial support (here):
- different kinds of foundations/ institutions
(e.g. DAAD, InWEnt)
Trainee contract (here)
- has to be checked and signed by Prof. Dr. Murphy
Further information:
- Students have to inform the study office (Ms. Klein) about their internship semester and "we would like to know" = your information about the internship please inform the co-ordinator, Stefanie Wenzel (before leaving).
Structure & Aspects to be covered in the report (approx. 10 pages):
Cover sheet
Table of contents
Body of the report
- Introduction: Motivation for choosing this internship
- General information: Company – Company location – Financial conditions of internship
- Company profile
- Job requirements in general
- Specific tasks
- Correlation with study programme
- Lessons learned & Expertise gained & their Relevance for the student’s future career