
International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS)

In weltoffener Atmosphäre studieren, den Ostseeraum bereisen und internationale Kontakte knüpfen - lassen Sie sich visuell von der Vielfältigkeit unseres Bachelor-Studiengangs International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS) überraschen.

Baltic Sea Forum 2021 mit Ministerpräsident a.D. Sellering
Recreation is close by
Lean Management Class 2021
Amazing surrounding for studying
Innovation Management Class 2021
Online Teaching 2020
BMS students at Gala Dinner, Malmö 2018
Campus Adé - graduates ceremony (2017)
Excursion to Brussel (Prof. Dr. Danker, 2017)
Excursion to Lübeck (Prof. Dr. Jacobsen, 2016)
Hurra! My Bachelor degree is done!
Excursion to Sweden (Prof. Dr. Jacobsen, 2016)
Baltic Sea Forum 2016
BMS-Students in front of the building 21
Excursion to Vienna (Prof. Dr. Danker, 2015)